Happy New year... ok now let's fuck: Intrological 🐙x 📖

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Top: Logan   Bottom:Remus

warnings: hair pulling, degration, and hitting (brief)

Remus's POV🐙

It was New year's Eve and me and my boyfriend Logan were sitting in the living room watching the new years countdown/ball drop. We were cuddled up to each other, stealing kisses throughout the night but the sexual tension was shrouded both of our minds. "Why can't you just fuck me Lolo!" I asked in a whining tone. "How about you just wait until the ball drops and then I'll give you what you want, ok?" "Fine, but we're not going to stop making out right?" Logan chuckled "Of course." He said kissing me deeply.

Throughout the night we were making out and grinding on each other all night. I ended up on Logan's lap constantly moving and bouncing on his crotch to get him hard. Logan was clearly angered by my impatience as he slapped my ass a few times and grabbed my waist tightly. "Stop it or I'll be edging you for weeks do you understand." Logan growled into my ear sucking a very large and dark hickey into the side of my neck.

If I knew one thing about Logan it was that he was a petty bitch and would definitely edge me like if I pissed him of enough, but I love to aggravate him so I found myself a 'healthy middle'. I opened the first out of three clasps in my crop top and pulled up my already short shorts basically be more of a whore than usual. Logan didn't mind this and added more hickeys to the large collection he had already created.

The count down happened and we watched the ball drop, we were slightly invested since this was the first year we weren't able to spot the drunken antics in the crowd. We received our happy new years texts from all our friends as Logan gently took my face in his hands and kissed me sweetly. "Happy New year, my darling!" He said causing me to blush and the I remembered what he said after that ball drops so I crawled into his lap and kissed him passionately. "Happy new years baby . . . ok now let's fuck!"

We continued to make out unbuttoning each other's clothes, Logan picked my up and carried me to our room. He stood me on the ground but before I could do anything else I pushed him against the wall. Managing to get our tongues to collide in a dance like motion I slipped of Logan's royal blue button-up shirt and brought myself face level with the two buttons of his jeans.

I was impatient and almost popped a button of his jeans as I shoved my mouth onto his cock causing him to grip my hair. "Fucking hell Remus you stupid whore~" Logan moaned out loudly thrusting himself farther down my throat than I thought was possible (and I'm fucking Remus)! I kept bobbing my head along with his thrust my eyes soon becoming watery and hooded. I soon felt Logan's dick leak precum and stopped bobbing my head, allowing Logan to move up in mouth so I don't choke.

Logan came into my mouth covering his mouth as he did, Logan grabbed me by my face and looked me in the eyes. Knowing what he meant I stuck my tongue out showing him his work before I swallowed having a bit of cum drip down my chin. "My turn~" Logan whispered longingly, picking me up and placing me on the bed. We made out slightly before he ripped off my shorts and since his cock was already out he immediately went to work by thrusting into my ass.

"God-damn you really are a slut, now tell me that yourself!" Logan growled into my ear as he pounded into me. "Ahh~ I'm your slutty little whore, please fuck me like a god damn doll~" I moaned as he fucked into me harsher than every before. Logan gripped my wrists and pressed his chest against my back whispering sweet horny nothings into my ear. He held my wrists tighter and his thrusts became sloppy it was clear he was close I pushed back on his dick honestly trying to get myself off.We kept our pace going until the both of us came it was and that haze had disappeared me and Logan gave me his hoodie and kissed my forehead. "I love you, Remus." "I love you too, Lo!"?

Happy New year's everyone I hope you all enjoy the new year and since it's my birthday I put a song at the top this time. If you choose to watch it just know there's a lot of dark subject matter with warnings in the beginning of the video. I hope you all have a good day/night everyone bye -Lerretta 🖤  Words: 811

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