I've loved you ever since : Anxicet 🐍X🕷️

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Warnings: Vanilla sex, hemipenes, and there's a small psa at the end which I would recommend for you to read but you don't have to.

Top: Janus Bottom: Virgil

Janus's POV 🐍

I had just finished my usual debate with Logan and I was walking back to the dark side of the mindscape when I passed Virgil's room. Virgil and I have had a complex relationship every since he left we how few minutes in the same room with out fighting but still I fantasize about him coming back.

I always have the urge to knock on his door and make up with him not even needing him leave the light sides I just wanted him to love me again. I found myself about to knock on his door and before I could keep walking the door opened and I was met with very messy lavender hair. "The fuck' do you want!" Virgil shouted now fuming. "Ok Virgil look, I'm sorry that I was so pissed it was your choice to leave and I should have respected that from the beginning once again I'm sorry."

I turned around about to leave when Virgil grabbed my arm, pulled me in side his room, and locked the door. "I'm. . . I'm sorry too I mean I left you and Remus telling you I would be back in a few hours now it's 4 or 5 year yet I'm the one bitching over something I did." For the first time in years Virgil looked at me with the same love in his eyes as the day he left.

He almost immediately hugged me with a force that said he'd been waiting for this day as well. I turned his head up and kissed him pouring all the love I've saved for him into, Virgil did almost the same pressing his lips on mine tenderly.

Our kiss soon got more and more heated with the passion from before never dying. I picked Virgil up by his legs and placed him on the bed kissing all over his face before joining him. I kissed him on the forehead before unzipping his hoodie.

"Vivi can I go any further." I asked "What do you think, Jannie" he said chuckling. That nickname. . . he hasn't called me by that name since the day he left. It brought me more hope that are relationship was being restored.
I soon unbuttoned his pants and then unbuttoned mine, Virgil grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me into another kiss.

"The lube and stuff is in the top drawer of my desk." Virgil said looking me at me with the perfect combination of lust and love in his eyes. I grabbed the lube then coated my dicks after asking one last time for consent (which he gave.) I slowly pushed into giving him the time to adjust before slowly thrusting into the lavender haired boy under me.

My thrusts increased with time so by 20 minutes Virgil was on top of me basically bouncing on my dicks yet even he was getting worn out. After a few more minutes I had cam inside Virgil causing him to do the same on my chest.

Virgil had lied down next to me tired but clearly having enjoyed the experience. "Jan." Virgil said "Hmm?" "Do you think we should do this? I mean I've loved you since I've left but it's been over 3 years." It took me a moment to grasp what Virgil had said before I softened my gaze.

"Well I think you should decide if you ready because I would take either option as long as we don't go back to trying to rip each others heads off." Virgil thought for a minute before kissing me. "I want to try again." He said staring at me lovingly "Well that's great, but I think we should clean up."

I had stepped out of bed, scooped up Virgil, and then headed to the bathroom attached to me bedroom. I set him down inside but before I could walk in myself Virgil stood on his tip toes and whispered "I love you," before dragging my love struck ass with him

Hey this is one of my best chapters currently so I hope you like it. Thank you all so so much for getting me to 10.6k this means so much to me. PSA HERE: on a darker and more serious note I need to address this, there have been KKK members/Trump supporters threatening to murder people of color and people of the LGBT community if Trump loses. Please stay safe, take the needed procautions and avoid leaving your homes I'm currently fearing for my life. -Lerreta 🖤 words: 785

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