Redemption: Anceit 🕷️x🐍

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Janus's POV 🐍 (this is after can lying be good.) Top Virgil, bottom Janus, vanilla

It's only been 10 minutes since the first Sanders sides video I've appeared in and it was terrible I know I told my boyfriend Virgil did I make it obvious that we were together. Since I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet he was so terrible to me and if I had done something to him I don't know what and I desperately want to soon I saw Virgil walking to his room.

"Hey." I called out, Virgil heard me quickly jogging over to me "Hiya hun what's up." "I'm sorry." "Why are you apologizing baby? You didn't do anything." I was so confused "If didn't do anything to you then why were you so mean to me in the video?" "Oh I'm sorry it's just that I was already aggravated and then you came in pretending to be Patton kinda made me snap I'm sorry actually I can make it up to you if you'll let me."

Virgil said smiling sweetly. "O- Okay just don't hurt me." I said sniffling slightly, Virgil pick me up and took us to his bedroom Placing me on the bed gently.

Virgil's POV 🕷️

"Janus I want to have sex with you in hopes it'll make you feel better and I need to have your permission to do that." I said kissing his hand "Ok you have my full permission Virgie." He replied kissing my forehead I lay him down and gently spread his legs looking looking up for one last sign of confirmation as fake off his.

I take off my own clothes then picked up the small bottle of lube coating my fingers in the sticky cherry flavored liquid, slowly entering one after the other pushing them in and out with a scissor motion. "Ah~ faster please!" Janus moaned slightly arching his back his hemipenes hardening.

"Alright J I'm going to push in ok" "Yes~!" He moaned in response causing me to chuckle. I pushed in slowly causing him to whince yes I giving him small praises. After staying still for a minute or two then slowly thrusting causing him to moan quietly with each one. After a while my throat started to get sloppier and quicker as I got closer. "Virgil I'm ah~ close."

Usually I would stop him from Cumming but not in this situation. "It's okay let go when you need to." I said and that what he did with me slowly filling him up a bit after. "I love JJ." "I love you too." "Now let's get you cleaned up." I said picking him up and walking over to the bathroom.

Sorry this took so long but I have a bunch of other things that came up. Have a good day / night everyone bye 😊 words: 475.

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