A normal morning at home : Dukeiety 🐙X🕷️

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Warnings: Slight hair pulling/generally vanilla

Top: Virgil     Bottom: Remus

Virgil's POV 🕷️

Me and Remus had been dating for a while and since Remus is well. . . Remus the sex is great sometimes strange but great none the less. We were sitting on the couch cuddled up with each other surprisingly quiet but that didn't last long as Remus soon spoke. "I wanna try something!" He said picking himself up off my chest. I looked down at him and smiled, for a human trash can he has very pretty eyes.

"And what would that be baby?" I said kissing his forehead and ruffling his hair. " I wanna fuck!" He said now sitting up slightly bouncing on my lap. "Are sure it's like 10 am?" I said rubbing underneath his thigh, he wrapped his arms around me and said. "Yeah of course I mean as long as you're ok with it!" As soon as I finished my sentence he tackled me, kissing me deeply.

We sat on the couch simply making out for a little while longer until I lifted Remus up and carried him to my bedroom. He stepped down, took off his shorts, and lied down on the bed waiting for me giggling as I unbuttoned my pants and crawled next him. His laughing grew louder and I joined in. After we finished laughing at nothing I grabbed the small bottle of cherry scented lube and put a bit on to my fingers.

I had Remus flip over, pressing his chest to the mattress. Having little to no patience I pushed both my fingers into his hole causing him to arch his back and moan. I continued to push them in and out until I felt he was stretched enough to fuck. "I love you baby." I said kissing Remus and helping him onto his back once more. "I love you too, But can we fuck know!" I chuckled and latched onto his neck as I push into him.

|Time skip on hour or two because this is still ✨Remus✨|

Me and Remus had been going at it for a while and he was basically screaming. I now loomed over him as he wrapped his legs around my waist tightly pulling at the back of my hair. Remus's neck was peppered with hickeys and so was mine. I held his wrist, squeezing tightly as I got closer and closer to my climax. Remus's didn't even get the chance to say he was close as his moans became higher pitched and after a minute or two he came on both our stomachs. I was surprised to see Remus cum before me but that was all forgotten as I soon pulled out and came on his stomach as well.

I got off Remus and held him in my arm as he started to laugh again as well as giving me random kisses. After we both we done we snuggle up with each other. "Babe you know we have to clean up right?" I asked getting a groan in response. "If I shower with you. . . and carry you there will you clean up-" "yes!" He said wrapping his arms and legs around me again before I could finish my sentence. Some how this was a normal morning at home.

Hi everyone sorry this isn't the greatest story but my personal life was a bit busy right now so this was a little rushed. I hope all of you have a good day/night everyone, bye!🖤 Words: 586

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