We care!: Logicaliceit 📖 x 💙 x 🐍

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Janus's POV 🐍 Warning hemipenes

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I had been sitting an the couch by myself feeling a bit lonely today I had no reason for this as I could go talk to one of my boyfriends but I decided not to bother them. I kept resting for a bit more until I felt someone sit on the couch I looked up to see Logan and Patton staring at me with slight concern, they were both dressed normally except Patton who wore the tan skirt a fan sent in.

"Hey Janny." Patton wrapping his arms  around my shoulder "You seem sad." "I'm completely fine and don't worry about me." "Well Janus were your boyfriends it's truly our job to care about you, darling." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and rest his head on mine. "Really it's fine, no one really cares anyways." They both looked at me almost terrified "WE CARE!" They both yelled then Logan took my hat, put it an Patton, and gave me a tender kiss on the lips while Patton kissed cheek.

As I started giving in to all the affection the kisses got more heated as the  two added to the hickies and bite marks that were already imbedded in my skin. They starting kiss down my chest dangerously close to my member so I snapped and we were all transported to Patton's bedroom (my favorite room) Patton picked me up and placed me on the bed with Logan in tow they both went back to kiss on my body.

Logan bent down and unzipped my pants look up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes asking for consent which I gladly gave him. He took my one of my cocks out and started to lick the tip as soon as Logan took me in fully Patton went down as well starting to suck on the second one. They boys sucking wasn't rough but definitely full of lust sometimes stopping to kiss each other.

They finished me of quickly, Patton leaving to get a rag as Logan cuddled up behind me whispering sweet nothings in to my ear. From my resent dose of intercourse plus my lovely nerd cuddled up to me I was starting to get drowsy. Patton came back into the room and cleaned me up though I offered to do it myself he put away the rag and cuddled up in front of me. "What was that about no one caring." Patton said kissing my forehead before I fell asleep.

Hi everyone I'm sorry it's taken me so long but I really needed a break next time I'll inform you all, other than that thank you all so so much for getting me to 6.2k reads! I really couldn't have done this without you of all have a good day/night everyone bye -Lerretta 😊🖤 words: 477

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