Well if we're playing games now babe: Royal sleep 👑x☕

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GENDER-BEND! Romania = Roman,  Remona = Remy, Vera= Virgil and Tomika= Thomas. For those who are confused this is part 2 of my last chapter but in a gender bent AU (I recommend that you re-read the last chapter for a refresher 😊).  

Warnings Light degrading and hard Dom, Top: Remona    Bottom : Romania

I had just got Tomika to take a nap after her audition then went to my room. I put on a lingere body suit, light blue skinny  Before I knocked on the door I her Her talking with Vera. "Don't you think it's a bit fucked that you well. . . fucked Rem to sleep." "Well yeah, but if Tomika didn't sleep she would have these call backs!" Romania said slightly exaggerated.

I wasn't mad at Romania I mean what happened was enjoyed and consensual but I was also very horny. I finally knocked on the door and walked in frightening the two. "Ver I love you but leave." I said blankly, she did as I asked leaving almost immediately. "Remona I can explain I-" "Well if we're playing games now babe~" I said chuckling pushing her on the bed and sitting on her lap dropping my jacket to the corner of her bed.

"Remona, calm the fuck down!" Romania said laughing and kissing at my neck. "You tricked me princess now I'm gonna return the favor." I told her in a more stern tone soon attaching myself to her neck adding hickeys
and bruises. "Ahh~ fucking hell Rem." I slapped her thigh harshly. "It's mommy to you princess now shush~"

I unzipped the back of Romania's dress taking a moment to feel the tool skirt on her warm skin before pulling it all down. Romania only had on a pair of red panties so I took off my body suit and shoved my tits in her face having her suck on them as I grinded onto her leg.

"Oh princess your so good, such a pretty little slut~"  I moaned before pulling Romania off with a soft pop. I push her off and lied down on her chest licking around her hard rosy pink nipples. I took the entire thing in my mouth being as dramatic as possible by bobbing my head up and down as I did so.

I bit down on her nipple before popping my self of and trailing my tongue all the way down to her pussy. I rubbed her it gently before I slid down her panties, Romania gripped my hair immediately. "Bad girl." I said forcefully into her ear then slaped her ass as few times. I went down and kissed her inner thighs before kissing her clit.

|Slight time skip|

"Holy shit mommy, why are you so good at this!" "Because I fuck you princess~" I said continuing to eating out my princess as she bucked her hips upwards. I stuck my tonuge into her cunt causing Romania to arch her back and give a yell like moan.

I thrusted my tongue in and out of her as she gripped my hair once again but this time my head was so crowded with lust that I let it slide. I curled my tonuge up slightly and Romania gripped my hand. "Fuck i'm gonna cum, AH!"  She moaned, cumming into my mouth. I lapped up the rest of Romania's cum before I stuck my tongue out showing off her cum before swallowing it.

I lied down next to her then helped her lie down on my chest. "I had fun~" Romania said cuddling up to me "Ro Ro." I said with a bit of a stern tone. "Ok fine, I'm sorry for tricking you." "It's okay actually it was pretty smart." I told her giggling, Romania put on my jacket from the corner of the bed and lied back on my chest like the princess she is.

Hey everyone I hope you all enjoyed my first gender-bend! As many of you know Baltimore county was cyber attacked so I'm going to take this extra time for a mental health break. So I'm sorry there most likely won't be a chapter next week but I seriously need the break. Also I need to thank you all for getting me to 17.4k reads this is the fastest this book has grown and it's exhilarating. That's all I have to say have a good/day night everyone bye! 🖤
Words: 737

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