My lovely Siren: Logince 👑x 📖 (Halloween Edition🎃)

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Of course siren AU!

Kinks: Bondage and power bottoming

Top: Logan   Bottom: Roman

Logan's POV 📖

I watched as my boyfriend stared at me not even noticing that I was looking back at him. I was reading a book called chains (That book is so good highly recommended) but I found this a bit more intriguing.

To break this sort of chain we had going I gently kissed him on the nose causing me to scare him a bit."Sorry Ro." I said in-between laughs. "Well you were the one humming, you basically forced me!" He retorted with a small hint of fake anger but mainly laughter.

I just happened to be a Siren, my mother abandoned me when I was 6 and I was found by Roman and his brother Remus. Once I showed the prince family who or what I am they were slightly afraid but knew I couldn't do anything major as a first grader.

In highschool Roman asked me out and we've been together since, but everything I sing towards is put into a spell like trance. "Most sirens at least in folk lore would have killed their lovers by drowning them, so if I really 'forced you' you've been dead along time ago.

I decided to put the book away and have a bit of fun with my darling prince. I asked him for consent before singing again and leading him to our shared bedroom. Roman's has always told me to yes my voice competitively but I don't want to kill thousands of people with a voice crack.

As soon as we got there I pushed him on the bed and sat on his lap. I leaned down kissing him all over pinning his arms on the head board. Soon I began to kiss his neck and chest I wanted to trail down his body but keep his hands pinned so I decided to summon a bit of water to act as hand cuffs.

As soon as the cuffs were in place I kissed down Roman chest and down to his waist. "Are still alright with this darling." Roman looked down at me with a smile. "Of course" I zipped down Roman's pants and pulled out his dick almost immediately started riding him. I never usually power bottomed but this was so much fun!

"Mmmh please never stop!" Roman said babbling random shit out of pleasure. "Ah~shut the fuck up Roman." I kept riding him harder and faster causing me to do a song like moan making the cuffs disappear I didn't know it was a spell at time so I didn't expect Roman to grab my hips I thrust into me like a god damn monster.

After 10 more minutes of relentless Fucking I we finally came and since I was satisfied the spell was broken. We both collapsed on top of each other cuddling up to each other. "Baby, thank you for all this I want to try something like tonight again." "Sure I mean I never thought power bottoming so much fun." I held Roman closer to my chest and before I got to tell him I loved him he fell asleep "I love you dumbass." I said before kissing his forehead and falling asleep.

Hi everyone I'm sorry this wasn't published earlier today but I hope this was a good holiday oneshot but please have a good day/night everyone, please don't leave your house, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN🎃 -Lerretta  words: 583

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