Chapter Twenty-Six

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AN: Hey Everyone! Hope you had an awesome new year!! Here's to another one!! I wanted to put this author's note here to let y'all know that I am not going to be writing 50 chapters of this fic anymore. Instead, I am going to write about 35 and take a break before I start writing the sequel. I feel that a lot of you are getting bored with this fic, and to be completely honest, I kind of am too. It's getting harder to write and spread out. I love this fic a lot and want to continue it, which I will eventually, but I am going to be cutting this one shorter than I initially planned. Like I said before, this will be a three-part series, which means that we are not quite done yet. Please let me know what you want in the next chapter and I will do my best to implement it. The next part of this series is with Tony and Ziva in college, OSU, and going through college years. After that, well, I won't spoil that yet ;)

Thank you to everyone for reading this fic. It means so much to me and I love everyone's comments. Sorry for the long Author's note, back to the story!

It was the night before Halloween and Tony was spending the night at Ziva's. Rivka had already gone to bed and they were watching the Wizard of Oz on Ziva's tv. Tony was laying behind her, cradling her in his arms. He loved the sound of her laughter as she watched the movie. It was something he had gotten used to over the past few months. Especially recently.

His phone vibrated on the side table. He reached over Ziva and grabbed it. He let out a frustrated sigh looking at the number. Ziva heard it and looked over at him.

"What? Who is it?" Tony sighed.

"It's Jeanne." Ziva's jaw clenched at the mention of her name. She knew that her threat in the bathroom at the dance would only last so long. Why couldn't she just leave them alone?

"Open it." His eyebrows raised.

"Are you sure?" She nodded and taped on the message, making it appear on his screen.

Jeanne: Hey Tony! I know you're with that Israeli now, but I miss you. I bet I can do a lot of things better than she ever could ;) Anyway, tomorrow's Halloween and there's a party at my house. Why don't you show up? It could be fun. See you later. :)

Tony wanted to chuck his phone at the wall. How dare she insult Ziva? He looked over the woman of his every thought and saw that she looked calm. He pulled her closer to him.

"Are you okay?" She looked up and into his eyes.

"I am fine, Tony. I know that she means nothing to you. That you love me. I have no reason to be angry."

"I know. But I'm so tired of her trying to get back with me, or her insulting you. It's annoying." She placed her hand on his chest.

"It is nothing to worry about Tony. She is more than likely looking for more drama or to make herself more popular. We need not worry." He smiled and nodded at her.

"I knew there was a reason I love you." She chuckled.

"What? My wisdom." He looked her up and down.

"Amongst other things." A shiver ran down her spine at the tone in his voice. She couldn't help but place a kiss upon his lips. He smiled into the kiss and pulled her closer. A knock on her bedroom door made them pull apart. Why did that always happen?

"Yes?" Rivka opened the door slightly and smiled at the sight before her. Tony and Ziva were really something.

"I came to tell you good night." She walked over and planted a kiss on both of their foreheads.

"Laila Tov, Zivaleh. Good night, Tony."

"Good night"

"Laila Tov."

Rivka went out the door with a small wave as well as a reminder that it was almost midnight and they should probably get some sleep soon. She closed the door and made her way to her bedroom, not failing to hear her daughter's laugh radiating from her room.

Tony had started to tickle her. She had never known that she was ticklish, probably because she had never been tickled.

"Tony! Stop." She said through her bits of laughter. This was going to be a fun night.


The 08 were all dressed up for Halloween in their respective costumes. Tony and Ziva were dressed as Superman and Wonder Woman. Abby and McGee were dressed as Harley Quinn and the joker. Jimmy and Breena were dressed as Danny and Sandy from Grease. They decided to throw their own party about a week ago, only inviting their friends. All the parents were there as well. Gibbs and Jenny were dressed as cowboys, something that wasn't too far off for Gibbs. Rivka was dressed as a witch. Gloria, Abby's mother, was dressed as a nurse, and Luca, Abby's brother, was dressed as a power ranger. Some friends from school showed up too. Some of Tony's actual basketball buddies (not the ones that slept around and were cruel) came, as well as some of Abby and McGee's nerd friends.

Tony came up behind Ziva and placed a kiss on her neck.

"You look sexy." Ziva chuckled.

"As you have said." She turned around, letting her eyes slip up and down his form.

"You do not look too bad yourself Mr. Kent." Tony smiled and posed for her, causing her to laugh.

"You can't give away my secret identity like that, Sweetcheeks." She just smiled up at him. Abby and McGee made their way over to them and started up a conversation. They introduced them to their friends Arthur and Annabelle. Tony and Ziva couldn't follow their conversation anymore when they started talking about computer systems.

Tony grasped Ziva's hand with his and with a tilt of his head, guided her out onto the back deck. The lights were shining above them, and along the fence on both sides of them.

"What are we doing out here?"

"Just needed some fresh air. I also couldn't understand a word they were saying." Ziva snorted and nodded. It went above her head as well. They made their way over to the lawn chairs and sat down. Tony held Ziva's hand in his and sighed.

"What is wrong?" He looked over at her and couldn't help but notice the worried expression that was being masked upon her face right now.

"Nothing. Just, we graduate soon. Off to college. Away from everyone." Away from you.

"You do not like change, yes?" He nodded.

"You could say that." Ziva could see that there was more to this than he was telling.

"What is really bothering you, Tony?" She could see his shoulders fall in what looked to be defeat.

"I don't want to leave my family. I...don't want to leave you."

"They will only be a phone call away." Tony nodded.

"Yeah...Wait, did you say they? As in excluding you?" Ziva smiled and nodded.

"I have applied to OSU for the Literature program." If Tony's eyes could be any bigger, they would. He jumped out of his seat and practically tackled her to the ground.

"You're coming with me?! You're gonna be a Buckeye?!"

"Yes." The only thing that could classify Tony's look right now, would be adoration and love. It looked as if his eyes were brimming with tears. He leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss upon her lips, only pulling away when they ran out of air.

"I can't believe this." They were on the ground now, laying on the grass. He hugged her with all of the strength that he could manage. He didn't want to leave her, and now he doesn't.

"Believe it, Tony. I am not going anywhere."

It was the first time he believed she really wasn't. 

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