Chapter Thirty-Five

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Prom. Prom was here. As Ziva stood in front of the mirror with her dress on, she couldn't believe that she was already here. It felt just like yesterday that she was arriving in America to start her new life with her mother. It had been almost a year since she lost Tali, and even though she missed her deeply, she loved her life now. She had an amazing friend group, an amazing mother, and an amazing boyfriend who loved her and would always be there for her.

"Are you almost ready?" Abby's voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she turned around to face Abby and Breena. Abby was wearing an all-black ensemble with a dip in the top, showing just enough cleavage. Breena was wearing a beautiful strapless yellow dress. It flowed around her perfectly and she looked radiant with her beautiful blue eyes and a wide smile. She couldn't help but laugh at the difference between the two of them.

"I am almost ready, Abby. I just need to put in my earrings." But as she looked around, she couldn't find them. She looked under blankets, pillows, and her previously-worn pile of clothes, but still couldn't find her damn earrings. She began to panic. Her mother had given her those at her Bat Mitzvah when she was 12. She looked around frantic, her heart beating against her chest.

"Abby, I cannot find my earrings." She said hastily, and somewhat out of breath. Abby looked concerned for a split second before she sighed.

"Ziva." She didn't answer.

"Ziva!" She still didn't answer.

"ZIVA!" She finally swung around to look Abby in the eye, only to see her holding the earrings in question. Ziva sighed in relief, thankful that they were found and in one piece. She couldn't imagine the sadness her mother were to feel if she had lost them for good.

"Thank you, Abby." She gently took the box from Abby's hand and slid the earrings out and put them into her ears. The diamonds glistened in the light as they rested in her ears.

"Now are we ready to go?" Abby whines, literally restraining herself from bolting out the door. Ziva smiled and nodded before she and Breena followed Abby down the stairs.

All of sudden, Abby stopped right in the middle of the stairs. Her eyes went wide and she bolted back up the stairs. Ziva and Breena looked at each other in confusion before they made the decision to follow her. They made their way back into the room only to see the bathroom door was closed. Ziva walked over to the door.

"Abby, are you okay?" She didn't receive a response.

"Abby, if you do not respond to me in 5 seconds, I am kicking the door down." Still no response. What was with them and the no responses today?

"Alright fine, 1...2...3...4...last chance." She paused, hoping Abby would open the door. Just as she was about to kick it down, the door unlocked, and out came Abby. She looked on the verge of tears.

"Abby, what is wrong?" Abby shook her head.

"What if he doesn't do it?" Ziva looked at her confused.

"What if who doesn't do what?"

"What if Tim doesn't make this a date?" Ziva sighed in understanding.

"He will, but if he does not, then there is nothing wrong in a woman making the first move." Abby looked at her, still unsure.

"Abby, you are smart, funny, beautiful, and the kindest person that I know. He would be a fool not to ask you out." Abby smiled at that before wrapping Ziva in a hug.

"Thank you, Ziva. Really." Ziva sighed and smiled.

"You are welcome. Now can we go to prom?" Abby laughed and nodded.

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