Chapter Thirty-Six

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Graduation. The day where he and Ziva would walk across the stage, get their diplomas, and be finished with high school. He was looking forward to his next adventure, especially Ziva, but would miss his high school days. He would miss his brother and their group of friends, even though he had no doubt they would talk practically every day.

He couldn't sleep the entire night, hell he hasn't been able to sleep all week. He looked at the clock noticing that it was only 4 AM. He pulled out his phone, looking at the screensaver of him and Ziva on prom night. She was grinning at the camera while he planted a kiss on her cheek. It was one of his favorites. He unlocked it, clicked on Ziva's name, and pulled up the messages that they had exchanged. His ninja didn't normally wake up until 5 AM but maybe she was already awake, shook by nerves like he was.

Tony: Are you awake?

It was almost as if she was about to text him because she replied within a minute.

Ziva: Yes. Decided to get up earlier than usual today.

Tony: Damn, Ziva. Talk about an early riser. I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind.

Ziva: What do you mean, Tony? It is just graduation, it is not the end of the world.

Tony: I wanted it to be a surprise.

Ziva: A surprise? Surprise for what?

Tony sighed, he wanted to surprise her during the actual ceremony, not over a text message. Maybe he didn't have to text it to her.

Tony: I know it's early, but can I come over? I just really need your help.

Ziva: Of course. I will unlock the back door for you.

This wasn't the first time one of them made an impromptu visit in the middle of the night. He quickly got out of his bed, put on one of his Ohio State sweatshirts, and headed out the door, not before writing a note for his parents should they wake up and him not be there.

He decided he would walk to her house, he needed the extra time to think. He needed to sort out his thoughts. When he did eventually make it to Ziva's house, he headed towards the backyard and quietly opened the backdoor so as to not wake up Rivka. He practically tiptoed up the stairs to Ziva's bedroom. When he opened the door, Ziva was laying in her bed, her lamp was on and she was facing the door, waiting for him. She smiled at him as he entered, and opened her covers up to him. He smiled and quickly climbed in to lay beside her. The room was silent for minutes he didn't care to count before she finally broke it.

"What is this surprise you wanted to tell me in person?" He sighed.

"The principal came to me last week. They asked me to be the valedictorian." Ziva sat up quickly.

"You are pulling my arm, are you not Tony?"

"Leg, and's why I've been so nervous. I need to have a speech ready. What if I mess up? What if my entire career and future go downhill because I mess up and say something stupid?" He sighed, laying his head down on her pillow, inhaling her scent before closing his eyes. He had been trying to write his speech since the principal asked him to take this position for the Class of 2009.

"Oh, Tony..." She paused.

"You are the most amazing, kindhearted, and talkative person I have ever met. And I have met Abby." He chuckled.

"If anyone can give a speech in front of a crowd of people, it would be you. I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard for this, and it is paying off."

"It's all because of you." Ziva shook her head.

"This was all you Tony. I just saw the potential in you, you did the rest." He pulled her under him, lining their bodies up so that every inch was pressed against the other. Ziva looked up at him with hooded eyes, licking her bottom lip with her tongue. Tony was quickly growing aroused but he needed to get his head straight. He needed this speech for the ceremony this afternoon. He placed a passionate kiss on her lips, putting every emotion and every ounce of love he felt for her into it, wanting her to feel how much it meant to him that she believed in him. When he pulled back, he didn't move from his spot on top of her, liking the feeling of their bodies pressed together and the warmth that ran through him.

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