Chapter Seventeen

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I know this one is short and ya'll have been waiting for an update. Life has been pretty hectic lately as school has started. I will try to get updates out as quickly as I can. Until the next one I hope you enjoy this chapter.

The weeks had gone by quickly. Ziva and her mother had now been in America for a month and a half. Needless to say, they were still getting used to how things were.

Ziva was just leaving the bathroom when her mother called her from downstairs. In the past weeks, everything had been unpacked and put in their respective places. The house was starting to look and feel like home. She grabbed her bag from her desk chair and made her way down the stairs. Her mother was standing in the kitchen at the counter, drinking what Ziva assumed was tea.

"Good morning, Ima." Rivka turned to look at her and smiled.

"Good morning, Zivaleh." She set a bowl of cereal on the counter in front of her and Ziva gladly accepted it. She ate up her cereal and checked her phone. Something that became a constant these past few weeks as Tony was always texting her. Something she secretly loved. As she was thinking a ding rippled through her pocket. It was a text.

Tony: Hey Sweetcheeks.

She smiled at the name he had given her. She liked the way it sounded coming from his lips and even more, the butterflies that flew all around her body.

Ziva: Hello Tony. How has your morning been?

The reply was almost instant. Something he was good for.

Tony: Amazing now that I've talked to you. :) How about you?

Ziva smiled at the sweet text. She couldn't believe how good he made her feel.

Ziva: A whole lot better now.

She wasn't used to talking like this but for some reason when it came to him, it was like the words involuntarily came out of her mouth. For some reason though, she didn't mind. She felt like she could trust him with anything, something that still terrified her to her core.

Tony: I'm on my way to yours to pick you up. I got a little bit of a surprise for you.

Ziva: You know I do not like surprises.

Tony: I know, but you'll like this one. I promise.

So far his promises have been true and not at all what she was used too. He would promise to take her to school every morning and drive her home after practice every afternoon, would promise to walk her to every class even if his was on the other side of campus. It was the little things that she loved so much. She smiled at the text and looked to see her mother smiling at her.

"I have never seen you so happy, Zivaleh." She finally spoke. Ziva's smile became wider.

"I have never been this happy, Ima. Not in a very long time anyway." Rivka looked at the ground sadly.

"We have been through so much. You deserve to be happy." Ziva stood from her stool and made her way over to her mother.

"So do you, Ima. You have been through just as much as I." Ziva wrapped her arms around her mother and squeezed lightly. She felt her mother's arms wrap around her and her head begin to rest on her shoulder. Rivka was the one to pull back from the hug. She placed both her hands on either side of Ziva's face.

"I love you, my beautiful daughter." She had tears beginning in her eyes. Ziva smiled as a tear rolled down Rivka's cheek.

"I love you too, Ima." Rivka wiped the tears off her cheek.

"This is not how I wanted to start this beautiful morning. Is Tony coming to pick you up?" She asked even though she knew the answer. Ziva smiled at the mention of Tony.

"Yes, he is on his way now. He said that he has a surprise for me. I do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing." Rivka laughed.

"Knowing Tony, everything will be fine." Ziva nodded, she was probably right. She normally was. Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing through the house. She smiled and made her way to the door. She opened it to see Tony's smile. She looked him up and down and smiled at the outfit he was wearing. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt. It seemed to fit him in all the right places. He smiled at her. She was practically wearing the same thing but instead of a white shirt, it was black.

"Are you ready to go?" The look he was giving her sent shivers down her spine.

"Yes. I just need to get my things." He nodded and waved towards Rivka and stayed outside as he didn't want to go into their home with an invite. Ziva grabbed her backpack from the stool and pulled the jacket from the back of the couch. As she got closer, Tony noticed that it was his letterman jacket. He watched as Ziva pulled the jacket over her shoulder and put her arms through the slots. It was big on her, but he didn't think anything had ever looked so sexy. His jaw dropped at the sight and Ziva laughed as she used her pointer finger to bring it back up.

"Let's go." Tony nodded and took the bag from her. Another thing Ziva had gotten used to in the last few weeks. He was always the gentleman. They both made their way out the door with a wave back at Rivka and got into Tony's car. As Tony cranked up the car, his right hand moved over to her left and lightly grabbed her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. Ziva looked over at him and smiled, he smiled back with his million-dollar smile. Ziva's eyes narrowed as she looked away from him and looked around the car.

"What is this surprise?" Tony chuckled. He knew that one was coming. He reached into his driver's side door and when he pulled his hand back up, there was a blue-purple drink in his hand.

"A berry mango-madness for you." Ziva smiled and excitedly took the drink and took a big sip from her favorite drink. A couple of weeks ago, Tony had taken her to a smoothie shop in downtown D.C. She ordered this drink and ever since she was obsessed with it. Tony always loved the childish look she got whenever she had one. She wasn't as crazy with them as Abby was with Caf-Pow! But she did love them.

Tony put the car into drive and pulled out of her driveway. The drive was filled with the sound of Tony's music, something that Ziva really enjoyed. She loved listening to American music, but sometimes she would still listen to her own music, or more accurately Tali's music. Tali had dreams about being on stage and no matter what mode she was in, music was always her go-to. Something Ziva adapted to in their home.

They pulled into the school parking lot and hopped out of the car. Tony got both of their bags and they made their way into the building. Ziva was getting many more looks today than she got every other day. Probably because she was wearing Tony's letterman jacket. She didn't care what others thought. All she cared about was the man beside her.

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