Chapter Twenty-Four

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Tony stared at his reflection in the mirror. He had chosen a classic for tonight. A black tux with a white button shirt underneath, with a lilac-colored bowtie, which he had gotten from Ducky. He thought that it would be best if he and Ziva matched tonight, so when Ducky found out the color, he adamantly requested that Tony take one of his ties.

Now, he stood in front of his mirror looking at his reflection. He was nervous about tonight. He was excited to see Ziva but was nervous that something would go wrong. He wanted to make sure she had the best time that she possibly could. It was her first American dance after all. He just couldn't shake this gut feeling that something was going to happen tonight. If there was anything that he learned from his dad, it was to always trust your gut.

He knocked out of his reverie with a knock coming from his door.

"Come in." The door opened to reveal Tim, standing in his sharp black tux with a black tie. He was taking Abby, even if they agreed to go as friends. Tony looked over at him and gave him a smirk.

"About time to go?"

"Yeah. Got a text from Abby a minute ago saying that you weren't going to be able to speak when you see Ziva." Tony chuckled at that, Tim along with him.

"I have no doubt that she'll look beautiful. But hey, when doesn't she?" Tim smiled at that.

"You really like her, don't you? This isn't some fling or experiment." Tony smiled at him.

"No, Tim. This is far from that. I couldn't imagine being with anyone but her, and I'll never want to." He gulped, preparing for what he was about to say.

"I think I'm falling in love with her." His voice was quiet, deep. Tim could barely hear the declaration, but he did. Tim's eyes went wide.

"Really?" Tony gave him another small smile and nodded.

"Everything about her makes me happy. Makes me want to spend time with her. Do you know what we did today? We went and got movies and a TV. Voluntarily. It was her idea." Tim smiled at that.

"She said she wanted to watch them with me and enjoy them with me. Can you believe that? She actually wants to do it, I don't have to beg her." Tim shrugged his shoulders.

"If what Abby has told me, I think that she might feel the same about you." Tony's head shot up to look at him.

"Really?" Tim nodded at him. He and Abby talked a lot. They were best friends after all. While Ziva was getting ready, Abby had been texting him nonstop about how Ziva couldn't shut up about Tony. How her face would light up at the mention of him. He had no doubt that these two were going to go the long haul. And not just to graduation. He meant marriage and kids, but that was a big topic to bring and they had only been officially together for a week. If only he had enough courage to ask Abby out.

He was too terrified to do that. She was his best friend, his partner in crime. He didn't want to risk messing all of that up.

Tony could sense that his brother was in a faraway land. He could sense what he was probably thinking of.

"So, what about Abby?" Now it was Tim's turn to be surprised.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Tony gave him a look.

"Come on, Tim. I know you have feelings for her." Tim blushed and looked down at the floor. After a few seconds of silence, Tim shrugged his shoulders.

"There's not much that I can do. She doesn't feel the same about me as I do her. I don't want to ruin everything." Tony walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

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