Chapter Fifteen

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Tony pulled into his driveway and turned off the ignition to his car. He looked over at Ziva and saw her looking around the yard. You could see the lights from the backyard from the street, something his mother always loved to hang up when things like this went down at their house. Tony reluctantly let go of Ziva's hand and got out of the car. He made her smile when he opened the door for Rivka. Her mother got out of the car and planted a kiss to Tony's forehead, to which Tony smiled. From what she had heard from others, Tony was a total player. But from what she has seen since she's met him, he's been nothing but a gentleman. Something that made her melt inside, though she would never tell anybody.

Ziva got out of the car and collided with Tony's chest. She looked up into his eyes. Gosh, those beautiful green eyes made her flutter.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to run into you." Tony smiled.
"You can run into me anytime, Sweetcheeks." Ziva blushed and looked at her shoes as she noticed that her mother was watching them intently. He noticed her shyness with her mother there and grabbed her hand.

"Come on. The barbeque awaits." Rivka and Ziva smiled as they followed him through the gate to his backyard. Their yard was beautiful. It was decorated with lights around the porch and the flowers that were placed around the yard made it look even more exquisite. Ziva saw Jenny and Gibbs on the porch next to the grill speaking with an older looking man. Tony brought them over to where they stood. Jenny and Gibbs looked over at them and smiled. Both of them noticed that they were holding hands and their eyes twinkled a bit at the sight. Jenny moved over to Ziva and wrapped her arms around her, something Ziva wasn't entirely used to. Something about the hug just felt warm and motherly and she very much appreciated the effort to make her feel welcome. Jenny pulled back from their embrace and smiled at the look that was in Ziva's eyes. Something she once saw in her own, something that she still sees.

"Hello, Ziva. Welcome to our home." Ziva smiled at the brightness Jenny brought to the picnic. No that's not right. Table, that's it!

"Thank you, Jenny. I would like to introduce you all to my mother, Rivka." Rivka was sort of standing in the back on her own as she felt misplaced from the scene. Jenny and Gibbs along with the older man looked and smiled at her. Gibbs was the one that walked over to her first. He held out his hand for her, a formal approach. Gibbs surprised everyone by speaking in perfect Hebrew.

"(Welcome, Rivka. It's good to finally meet you. You have a wonderful daughter.)" Rivka smiled at his comment and that he spoke in her mother tongue. Ziva's face became a tad bit more red and she laughed at Tony's confused face along with everyone else listening in.

Rivka accepted the handshake and cupped his hand into both of hers.

"(I could say the same for your son.)" Gibbs let out a chuckle. Ziva broke into the conversation.

"(That he is Agent Gibbs.)" She looked up to meet Tony's eyes as he had been looking at her the moment she opened her mouth. The look in her eyes shut him up, at least for now. Jenny made her way over to Rivka next to introduce herself and it was like they had known each other for years. The language had been switched back to English so now everyone could understand. Jenny and Rivka talked about themselves and their families for a couple of minutes before Jenny looked around at the others and brought Rivka over to the older looking fellow. He was wearing a wonderful blue bow tie and his rimmed glasses fit him well.

"Rivka, Ziva, this is a close friend of ours, Donald Mallard. We normally just call him Ducky." Ducky reached out his hand to greet them both.

"It is very nice to meet both of you." His accent was strong and luring. Ziva smiled. Tony had told her some about Ducky. How he was more of an Uncle or grandfather than a family friend. Ducky turned to look at her next.

"My dear, I have heard much about you. It's nice to finally put a name to a face." Ziva smiled.

"Likewise, Dr. Mallard."

"Oh please, call me Ducky. Everyone does." Ziva nodded.

"Okay...Ducky." Ducky smiled at her and looked at Tony and her and smiled then walked back to Gibbs.

Tony felt a pat on his shoulder and looked behind him to see Jimmy standing with Tim and Abby behind him. There was tape of either side of his glasses and bruises on his face and arms. Tony looked at him and sighed. This shouldn't have happened to him. He was a good kid, he was a bit weird and he was a genius, but still a good kid.

"Hey, Jimbo. How's it going?" Jimmy smiled even though his body just looked painful.

"Better now. Tim told me what you three did. I wanted to come over and say thanks. As well as introduce myself." He turned to Ziva.

"I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Palmer." He lent out his hand just like Ducky had done and Ziva took it softly.

"Ziva David."

"I've heard a lot about you from these guys." He looked around at Tony, Tim, and Abby. She looked around at them as well.

"Good things I hope." She winked at Tony. He grinned. Jimmy noticed the look and smiled at McGee and Abby. They were right there was definitely something between Tony and Ziva.

"All good. I also wanted to say thank you for what you did for me. It means a lot. Not many people would do that for the school screech." He laughed and Ziva didn't know if she should or not. Tony sensed her hesitation.

"Oh yeah, dude she knocked him off his feet. It was awesome." The group laughed. From behind, Jenny and Gibbs were looking at the group of teenagers. They were laughing and joking around, something that they loved to hear in their home. Gibbs moved back over to the grill and opened the lid. The chicken was done and so were the burgers.

"Tony, Tim, come help me with this." Tony and Tim ran over and took the food over to the outdoor table. Ziva moved to help but Abby grabbed her arm and pulled her over to sit around the firepit. The flame was beautiful in the night sky.

"I have never seen a flame look so beautiful." Abby looked at her with confusion in her eyes. Ziva noticed it and decided that she could trust Abby.

"Many that I cared about died a fiery death." Abby's eyes became sad. Tears started welling up in her eyes and she launched herself at Ziva. She wrapped her arms around her.

"I am so sorry, Ziva. That's awful. I couldn't imagine having anything like that happen in my life." Ziva shrugged.

"It does not matter now. I am in America now with you, Tim, Jimmy, Tony. This is the life that I have always wanted. I am away from the death, the sorrow. It is time for me to live." Abby nodded.

"I'm glad you moved here Ziva. I think that this is going to be the best year of your life."

Oh, how she would find that out.

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