Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was now Christmas time. A week until Christmas. Ziva's first Christmas in America. Ziva's first Christmas at all. Tony wanted to make it special. He had the perfect idea of a gift. He got up early on a Saturday morning, intent on going shopping for Christmas gifts. He knew that he shouldn't have waited this long, but he got caught up with school, basketball, family, and Ziva. Ziva had been so excited since December had started. He had taken her and Rivka to get their first Christmas tree and helped them decorate it. Even though they were Jewish, they were really getting into the Christmas spirit. Rivka had taken it upon herself to bake a homemade fruitcake, as well as a Christmas pudding.

Tony couldn't help but smile at Ziva though. Where he was incorporating Christmas with her, she was incorporating Hanukkah with him. They had set up a Menorah, sang songs (Ma'oz Tzur), as well as baked sufganiyot (jam-filled donut). He enjoyed learning about her culture and traditions. Everybody in his family, including Abby, had all enjoyed the foods that they had brought.

Tony looked over at his clock and noticed that it was just after 9 AM. He threw the covers back and made his way to his bathroom. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, and got dressed.

He made his way down the stairs to see his family sitting in the living room, watching what looked to be the news. He made his way to the door, attempting to get his shoes on his feet, and grabbed his keys.

"I'll be back later. Need to do some shopping." His parents nodded and went back to the TV, while Tim got up and made his way over to him.

"Can I go with you? I still need to get a present for Abby."

"Sure. I'm going to the mall for more options." He wasn't lying, but he also wasn't telling the whole truth. He wanted to go to the mall for one of the shops in particular. Tim got his shoes and announced that he was going with him. They made their way out of their house and into Tony's car. About the time they sat down, Tony's phone went off in his pocket. He pulled it out and smiled when he saw the name on the screen. Tim, noticing the smile on his brother's face, knew who the text was from without even seeing the screen.

Ziva: My mother has gone crazy. She has not stopped baking all of these new things. Save some room.

Tony laughed.

Tony: Sounds like fun. :) What are your plans for today?

Ziva: I have presents to wrap and then I think I will take a nap. I am exhausted. What about you? What are your plans?

Tony: Going out with Tim. Need to get some more presents.

Ziva: Have Fun! I will see you later, yes?

They had made plans to go see a movie, as well as get a bite to eat. A date.

Tony: You can count on it, Sweetcheeks.

Ziva: I will, neshama sheli

Tony smiled. He put his phone in his pocket, put the car in gear, and backed out of their driveway. The only sound on the drive to the mall was mainly just the radio. Tony and Tim talked somewhat about the gifts they were getting for their family, but otherwise stayed quiet and focused on the road. They made it to the mall in record time.

The mall was fairly busy, as it was a Saturday. Tony and Tim split off in separate directions, promising to meet back in the center when they were done. Tony made his way to the wood workshop to try and find something for his dad. He walked into the store and looked around. A worker made his way over to him and asked him if he needed anything.

"Where are your handmade chisels?" The worker showed him over to their chisels and pointed him towards their finer section. After careful selection, trying to figure out which one his dad would like the most, he chose one that wasn't too expensive but, from what he heard, was very well built. He paid and left the workshop, looking for the next store so that he could get something for his mother. His mother was always so hard to buy for as she never said what she wanted and never gave hints about anything she could want. She was always this way, so was her mother, Tony's grandmother. He guessed it was just genetics. He found his way into a jeweler's. He didn't know if his mother would wear a necklace. The only jewelry she ever wore was her wedding ring. He looked throughout the store and noticed a necklace that he could engrave with his family's initials. He went up to the counter and asked if they could put what he wanted on it. They said yes and that they could do it today, making it to where he could pick it up tomorrow. He paid for the gift, thanked the staff, and headed out of the store. He still had three gifts to go.

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