Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ziva woke up to a warm feeling spreading through her. She smiled as she looked behind her to see Tony, his head in her hair, and his arms around her. She liked this. Even if it was only the first time they had done it. She has slept peacefully all night. She had had nightmares since her family's deaths. With Tony here, they went away and she was grateful. She felt him stir behind her and she turned around to face him.

His eyes were droopy with sleep and his hair was sticking up in all angles. She liked seeing him like this. No style in his hair, relaxed and sleepy, no stress from the day.

"Good morning." His voice was husky, sending an involuntary shiver down her spine.

"Boker Tov." He smiled at her use of her native language. He loved it when she did that. It always sent tingles down his back, not that he would tell anyone that.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Better than I have in a while. You?" He pulled her closer to him if it was even possible.

"Good." He leaned closer to her and captured her lips within his. She leaned into the kiss and placed her hand on the back of his head, wrapping his fingers in his hair. He loved it when she did that. He deepened the kiss and rolled her to where she was under him. She let him.

When they pulled apart, he smiled at her, something she gracefully returned. Tony turned to look at the clock on her bedside table and noticed that it was 10:30 AM. They had slept in that long?

"Thank you for letting me stay last night." She smiled up at him and pulled him back down for another kiss.

"You are very welcome." Their kisses had always been soft and caring with a hint of unshielded desire. But now, the lust they felt for one another rolled off them in waves. They knew that they weren't ready for that, but that didn't mean that they couldn't explore it a little.

They were brought out of their bubble by a knock on the door. They pulled apart quickly. The last thing they needed was for Ziva's mother to see them in a passionate embrace. Ziva got out of the bed reluctantly and made her way to the door. She opened it to see her mother on the other side.

"Good morning. I just got a call from Abby. She wants to know if she can come over." Ziva's eyebrows pinched together. The Dance!

"Oh! Yes! She was going to help me with my hair and everything for the dance tonight. I will call her. Thank you." Rivka looked behind her at Tony. She smirked at his appearance.

"Good morning, Tony. Did you sleep well?" Tony smiled at her.

"I did, Ms. David. Thank you for letting me stay last night." Rivka gave him a look.

"What have I told you? Please call me Rivka. Ms.David makes me feel old." Tony smiled at her.

"Old? When? Where?" He was looking around the room as if trying to find this accusation.

Rivka leaned in to whisper into Ziva's ear.

"Definitely a keeper." They both laughed. Ziva looked back at him and smiled. Yes, he was.

"Talk to Abby soon. She sounded urgent." Ziva laughed. Yes, that was Abby.

"I will." With that, Rivka smiled at them and started her way back down the stairs. Ziva closed the door and made her way back to her bed. She grabbed her phone from her side table and clicked on Abby's name. She answered within the first two rings.

'Hey, Ziva!'

'Hello, Abby. I heard you called this morning.'

'Yeah. Your mom said you were still asleep. I was just calling to ask when you wanted me to come over.'

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