Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Come on, Ziva. You're going to have to come out of there at some point." Abby whined. They were prom dress shopping, and Ziva was currently standing in the dressing room, staring intently at herself in the mirror. She wasn't sure what to think about this dress. She knew Tony would like it, he likes her in everything, but it was something out of her comfort zone. It was a beautiful blue dress with a slit up the left leg. The entire back was cut out and it fit her perfectly.

"Ziva, if you don't come out soon I think Abby is going to barge in there." Jenny chimed.

"Okay, I'm coming." She shyly stepped out of the dressing room and both Abby and Jenny gasped.

"Oh Ziva, you look beautiful," Jenny said. Ziva smiled and looked over at Abby.

"Tony isn't going to know what hit him." The three of them shared a laugh but Ziva was still hesitant.

"Spin, so we can see all of it!" She was hesitant, but she did just that and didn't miss the gasp of horror as they saw the scars on her back. Ziva closed her eyes and looked down, taking a deep breath.

"Ziva. What happened?" Jenny pulled her closer, trying to assess the injury. Ziva looked up at her, hesitant to reveal the secret, but knew she could trust Abby and Jenny.

"My father used to take my siblings and I to these training exercises. One day, we were doing an obstacle course and I fell off, landing on my back. We were in the trees and it seemed like I hit every branch on the way down. My father was more concerned that I didn't finish the course instead of my injuries." They looked at her with sympathy..and pity.

"I'm so sorry Ziva." Abby came up to her and wrapped her in a hug, surprisingly comforting her. She had gotten used to hugs, especially from Abby.

"It is fine, Abby. I am past that part of my life. For the first time, I am truly happy." Jenny smiled at her.

"You shouldn't let your scars determine your dress. I can tell you love it but are very hesitant to actually get it." Ziva nodded.

"It is not something I share with most people. Tony obviously knows, but you two are the only other people. My mother does not even know about it."

"Ziva. You are beautiful inside and out and anyone who thinks differently can turn the other way. Tony loves you, we love you, your mother loves you. Who cares what anybody else thinks." Ziva smiled.

"Thank you. I needed to hear that." She loved how close they had all gotten in a year.

"So.. are you going to get the dress?" Ziva smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

"I think that I will." They all smiled as they paid and left the shop, seeing as Abby already had her dress. Before they headed home, they stopped at a local fast-food restaurant, opting to go in and eat. They ordered their food and found a booth to sit down in. It took a few minutes before Ziva broke the silence.

"So..Abby. How are things with Tim?" Abby smiled.

"Good! We went and watched the new Lord of the Rings movie. It was awesome!" Ziva gave a brief look to Jenny, who just smirked.

"I have noticed something between the two of you." Abby's eyes went wide and she looked at her curiously. She was hesitant as she spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Abby. It is obvious you have feelings for him, just as he has feelings for you." Abby shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Abby was quick to deny it, but Ziva wasn't blind.

"Abby. It's obvious you have feelings for each other." Abby shrugged her shoulders.

"I..." She couldn't get the words out before closing her mouth again. Ziva concluded that she wouldn't admit or speak about the matter, so she decided to play the role of Abby herself.

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