Chapter Twelve

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After they had all eaten their ice cream, they made small talk for about another hour or so. Tony turned to Ziva and smiled as he noticed she was still wearing his jacket. He looked at his watch and noticed that it was almost 9:30. He had seen the text from Rivka to Ziva and decided that it was about time to take her home.

"Hey Guys, it's getting late and I need to get Ziva home. I don't want Rivka upset with me." Ziva chuckled.

"My mother loves you but yes I should get home. Thank you for inviting me. I had a fun time tonight. I have never had ice cream before so this was a first for me. Thank you." Abby almost fell out of her chair.

"You've never had ice cream before?!" Ziva shook her head. She was never allowed ice cream. Another one of her father's unrealistic ideals for her life. Gibbs looked at her with wow in his eyes. Gibbs made a silent promise to protect this girl with everything that he had. Like Tony, he felt a pull towards her, not exactly like Tony, but more of a fatherly protector. She had been practically dictated her entire life and now she could finally live 18 years later. 18 years too late.

Everybody stood up from their chairs, all deciding that it was time to go home as it was getting late, and made their way to their respective cars. Tony opened the passenger side door for Ziva and she stepped in with a small on her face. He went around the car and hopped in on his side and started the engine. They made their way to Ziva's house in silence. Neither sure what they should talk about. Tony turned to look at her and let out a small smirk when he noticed that Ziva was looking at him too. He looked back to the road and turned the radio up so they weren't in complete silence.

They pulled into Ziva's driveway, and just like before, Tony got out and went around to her door to open it. Ziva gave him a sly smile and looked into his beautiful green eyes that were even more beautiful in the night light. God, he was a sight to behold. He walked her up to her door and saw that the porch light was on. No doubt Rivka was waiting for her to get home. She turned to look at him just as they got to the car. He was standing closer to her than she expected and made a quick glance at his lips before looking into his eyes again. He couldn't help but lean in a bit towards her. The temptation to kiss her was way stronger than it was earlier. They were mere inches from each other when the light in the living room inside the house turned on. Both sensing that Rivka was still up and waiting for her, they stepped apart. Wanting to put some distance between them. Tony gulped and went wide-eyed as he realized what he was about to do. He didn't want to cross a line. Didn't want to pressure her into anything. He didn't want her to go back to her previous thoughts about him. That he was just trying to get into her pants.

Ziva saw his hesitation. Was there something wrong with her? Was he embarrassed or ashamed to kiss her? It was almost like he could read her thoughts. He placed his hand on the side of her cheek and looked her in the eye as he spoke.

"I want to. I really do..." He leaned in a little further, proving his point that she had a hold over him. She leaned in as well. They were millimeters apart when Tony pulled back again.

"Ziva..." All of a sudden, the front door opened to reveal Rivka on the other side with a small smirk on her face. Tony and Ziva looked her way with wide eyes. Tony gulped again and moved away from Ziva.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning for school. If you would like me too, that is." Ziva gave him a slight nod, embarrassed that her mother caught them.

"I would like that." She whispered. He smiled and nodded. He made his way back to his car and with a wave pulled out of the driveway and into the night.

Ziva turned to look at her mother, who she couldn't help but notice the giant smile plastered on her face.

"What?" Ziva asked, already knowing what it was about.

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