Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Tony pulled up to Ziva's driveway and slowly made his way up to the door. His heart was beating out of his chest and he could barely remember knocking on the piece of wood that was her front door. He realized when he saw Ziva's brown eyes staring back at him with a hint of mischief in them.

"Hello Tony." She was wearing her favorite pair of jeans and dark blue short-sleeved shirt. She looked as beautiful as ever.

"You...look..." She walked closer to him and smiled.

"Beautiful." He gave her his 1000 watt grin.

"I was going to say gorgeous, or stunning, but beautiful works too." He planted a firm, quick kiss on her lips and gave her his arm. She took it and they made their way to his car. It didn't pass his notice that she was giving him many looks. One was confused as she didn't know what they were going to do and she didn't like to be surprised. Another was happiness. It warmed his heart to know that she wanted to spend time with him. The last one was what looked to be desire. Her eyes raked over his body like it was the first time seeing him. He reached over the center console and took her hand in his. He squeezed it tightly and brought it up to plant a light kiss on the back. The ride back to his house was relatively quiet. When Tony pulled into his driveway, he quickly turned the admission off, and ran to her side of the car. He held out his hand for her to take and she graciously accepted it. He walked her through the background, through the woods, and to the treehouse. When Ziva saw the building of wood, and combined that with the attire Tony was in, she quickly put together that they weren't studying. She smiled up at him as they walked.

They climbed the ladder and Ziva gasped as she saw the blankets, pillows, and lights scattered around the treehouse. It was beautiful and he did this for her. She climbed the rest of the way in, and sat down in the makeshift fort, waiting for him to join her. He climbed the rest of the ladder and went towards the basket it prepared for them. Inside was an assortment of food and drinks for them to snack on.

"Tony, what is all of this?" He turned and smiled at her.

"This is a date." She opened her mouth to say something else, but quickly closed it when the words would not come. Nobody had ever done this for her before. This was like something out of a fairytale, and her life was the farthest thing from a fairytale. At least, until she met Tony.

Tony sat down on the blanket beside her, getting more nervous by the second. He didn't know all of what was gonna happen tonight. He didn't really mind it either, he just wanted to spend time with her. If she wanted to leave the treehouse and go back home he would be okay with that, but if she wanted to stay here, he was okay with that too.

Ziva could sense the nervousness and anxiety practically pouring off of him in waves.

"What is wrong?" Her eyebrows came together in confusion. Why was he nervous? Was there something for him to be nervous about?

"Nothings wrong."

"Are you sure? I can practically feel the anxiety." He let out a laugh. He looked up and looked into her eyes. He moved closer and closed the distance between, kissing her softly. He gently laid her down on the makeshift "bed" and she casually slipped off his shirt. He peeled back from her, surprised by the sudden action. He could see the desire in her eyes.

Ziva smiled up at him and closed the distance between them once more and their clothes found their way to the floor and they submitted themselves to the passion.

When Ziva woke about an hour and a half later, she was slightly unaware of her surroundings. She turned and saw Tony laying next to her with his arm wrapped around her, protecting her. She remembered the feeling of being loved by him. The feeling of being wanted. If you had told her a year ago that she was going to fall in love so hard she would have laughed in your face and called you crazy. But this was real, this was all real. They were going to be going to college soon, adulthood. It was coming faster than they thought, but they would do it, together, just like everything else.

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