Chapter Nineteen

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Tony really hated some of the people in this school. He would be walking down the hallway and everybody would be staring at him. They would be talking about the fight between him and Sacks, how Tony deserved the punch that he received. But more importantly, they were talking about him and Ziva. They were criticizing her and making her look like the evil one in this whole situation. It was starting to really piss him off.

Other than the many looks and laughs, the rest of the day had gone by somewhat smoothly. Movie Critique had been fun as they went over movies from the '70s, which was one of Tony's favorite time periods for film. Ziva seemed to enjoy the class, something Tony was ecstatic about. There was finally someone to share his love of movies with. Even if she was just learning, he loved watching her face as they went over different topics.

Detention was something Tony always hated. Took time away from friends and basketball. But now, he didn't mind too much. Ziva was going to be there, for bad reason, but she was still there.

They walked from Movie Critique to Coach Fornell's office. Tony knocked on the door and heard a "come in" on the other side. They opened the door to see him drawing in the basketball playbook. He gave Tony a hard stare.

"Vance told me you got detention for the next week." Tony nodded.


"And that you can't play during that week." Tony nodded again.

"Yessir." Fornell sighed.

"You gotta stop this, Gibbs. I can't have my star player getting detention and breaking the rules. That's not gonna fly. I'm done, Gibbs. This happens again your off the team." His words were hard and final. Tony sighed. That seemed fair. The star player couldn't be doing these things. If it wasn't for Sacks socking him in the face he wouldn't be here in the first place.

"Do I make myself clear?" Tony looked up from the picture of the team on Fornell's desk.

"Yessir." Fornell took this and looked back down at the playbook.

"I got two players out. I don't have time for this detention thing. Go clean the gym. Sweep the floor, look through and clean the bleachers, make sure equipment is in its spot then you can go home. Get out of my office." They nodded and left the room. Tony turned to her.

"I know this isn't what you wanted to be doing today." Ziva shrugged her shoulders.

"I do not mind." Tony gave her a weird look.

"What I mean is, I do not mind because I am with you." Tony smiled and took her hand. They began the walk to the gym.

When they entered, they went over to the supply closet on the left side to get the brooms. Ziva went over to the left side of the gym, while Tony went to the right. It would be easier to get things done if they were separated on opposite sides.

Tony took to sweeping the floors first, while Ziva cleaned the bleachers. Leave it to them to get detention when Slacks and his stupid friends started it in the first place.

After three hours of cleaning, they were finally finished. They turned out all the lights and walked hand and hand to Tony's car. Tony opened the door and she climbed in. Tony went to his side of the car and hopped in. He started the car and started the drive to his house. He needed to speak to his parents.

They had talked during detention, that they would talk to them together. Maybe to help the situation. They pulled into the driveway and saw that the lights were on in the dining room. They got out of the car and made their way to the front door. Ziva gave his hand a squeeze and he opened the door.

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