Chapter Three

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It was Monday. Time for school. Normally he would hate waking up so early in the morning, but today he didn't mind. He was going to see Ziva again, something he had been looking forward to since he met her. He looked at his alarm clock and saw that he was actually up early. Normally he would wake up at 7:30 as school began at 8:00, it was 6:45. He got up and hopped in the shower, as he did every morning. He stayed in there for about 15 minutes. He got out and got dressed. It was currently October, so today he would wear his varsity jacket, as it was chilly outside. It consisted of blue down the front with white sleeves. On the front left breast pocket, there was the school logo with the name under it. On the back had his name along his shoulder blades. Along with that, he put on his favorite jeans with his favorite shoes.

He made his way down the stairs to the kitchen to see Gibbs and Jenny. They were always up early for work. Gibbs had his signature coffee in his hand, something he couldn't go a day without. Jenny was pouring some cereal into a bowl.

"Good morning," Tony said softly. They both turned around with confusion drawn across their faces. He wasn't normally up this early. Was something wrong?

"You're up early." Was all Gibbs said as he took a sip of his coffee. Tony nodded.

"Am I up before ElfLord?" Tim always got up early no matter what day it was. Both his parents nodded. This was new. Tony moved over to the pantry and grabbed the oatmeal and began to make his food. Gibbs and Jenny were still looking at him like he had three heads. What was going on with him?

"Are you feeling okay, Tony?" Tony looked at his parents from the counter, waiting for his oatmeal to heat up.

"Yeah, I'm feeling fine, why?" His eyebrows scrunched up. Yes, he knew that he was up early, he knew that he didn't normally do that, but he was actually excited and ready for the day. He was hoping that Ziva had at least one class with him. Just saying that his mind flashes to her again. What was it about this girl? Why was he so wrapped up in her? He barely even knows her, just met her the previous day, yet he felt such a strong connection with her. He looked at the clock above the microwave and smiled upon seeing that it was 7:45, almost time to leave. The school was about 7 minutes from there house so they were able to sleep in and leave later than most. About this time, Tim came down the stairs and looked at Tony the same way that Gibbs and Jenny. Tony saw this and rolled his eyes.

"Yes. I'm up early, let's roll past that." Tim was still curious as to why his brother was up. Tim was always up before Tony. Always. Normally you would have to physically pull Tony out of bed, something was going on with him and he would find out.

"I have basketball practice today so I won't be home till about six." He told his parents. They both nodded. Tony had always loved basketball, even when he was younger. He was the star player for the team and played the point-guard position. That position alone made all girls want to date him. Especially the cheerleaders. Contrary to popular belief he wasn't a player, sure he was a ladies man, but he would never just hump and dump. He was raised better than. He was taught to respect a woman, to treat her right, and never to do anything to hurt her. But it was high school and things like that did happen.

Jenny finished her cereal and put her bowl in the sink, making it a point to wash the dishes when she got home. She turned to face her husband and her sons.

"Ducky called me this morning. Jimmy had been coming home bleeding and bruised. He came home yesterday with glass in his hands from his glasses." Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jimmy was a really kind kid, yeah he was a little weird, but he was a genius. Nobody should be put through something like that. If this was a cartoon, then a lightbulb would've lightened up above his head. He had a pretty good idea who was doing this to him. The same 2 dirtbags that went around school thinking they owned the place and beat you to a pulp if you didn't do as they say.

Gibbs saw his reaction and looked at him until he spoke. Ducky was a dear friend to the Gibbs', so when Ducky took in Jimmy when his parents died, he became close to them too. Almost like family.

Tony and Tim looked at each other. They both knew who was responsible. Ron Sacks and Brent Langer. They were scumbags that needed to be put in their place. They would set them in their place. They both gave a slight nod to each other. A confirmation to each other that they had each other's back and would take care of this issue together. Somebody needed to take them down a notch or two.

"I know that look. Who are they?" Jenny spoke, seeing her boys conversing silently. Tony looked her way.

"Ron Sacks and Brent Langer. There high school tormentors. They take pride in beating people to a pulp. Jimmy is just the type of person they'd go after. Don't worry, mom. We'll set this straight." They stood up and headed toward the door.

"I don't want to be getting a phone call from Principal Vance about you two fighting," Jenny yelled after them. Tim was the one that turned to reply.

"We won't fight unless they instigate it. Jimmy's like family. We just want to talk and set the record straight. Besides, we won't throw the first punch." He smiled at his father's smirk. With that, he set out to his 1970 Audi and went to pick up Abby from across the street. She always had problems with her Hot Rod, especially on cold mornings. Tony pulled out of the driveway and set off for the high school. He passed Ziva's house and smiled. He was going to see her again today. He couldn't wait.

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