Chapter Twenty-Two

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The week had gone by quickly. Classes were easy and homework was completed. The news got out that Tony and Ziva were officially a couple, probably some of Abby's doing, and everybody gave them more looks than they normally did. Both of them ignored all of them, as they were happy. They had only been together officially for a week now, and Ziva was having the time of her life. She couldn't get over the feeling that she would get when Tony was around her, or even if he was somewhere where she wasn't. He had finally been able to play again for the basketball team and Ziva had been to every one of his games since, wearing his letterman jacket.

The only bad thing about this week was Jeanne. She would try her absolute best to make her miserable. It was something that Ziva could 100% take, but she was getting annoyed. Tony broke up with her. She needed to get over it. Tony was hers now and she was his. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone buzzing beside her at her desk. Speaking of Tony.

Tony: Hey sweetcheeks :)

Ziva: Hello, Tony.

Tony: How was your day?

Ziva: It has been good. How about yours?

Tony: Great now that I'm talking to you ;)

Ziva: How did you do tonight?

He was the star player in tonight's game, something his team didn't fail to remind him all week. They needed him to be on his best game, no matter what. She wasn't able to make it as her mother needed her help and she had homework to do.

Tony: Great! It's still great to be back! I rained 32 points.

Ziva: Well that is impressive, yes?

Tony: To some standards. ;) How's the homework going?

Ziva: Just finished about 10 minutes ago. About to get in the shower and get some shut-eye.

Tony: So does that mean I can't come by?

Ziva smiled.

Ziva: I did not say that. :)

Tony: If not, I totally understand.

Ziva: I have not seen you all day. Either your team swooped you away or you were crowded by what seemed like every girl in D.C.

Tony: You know I only got eyes for you. ;)

Ziva: I will see you soon.

Tony: Be there soon.

Ziva smiled as she set her phone down on her nightstand. She looked at the fabric hung on the wall above her desk. The one Tony helped her with. The one that was Tali's. She couldn't help but think about how she would have thrived in America. She could've gone to school, met Abby and McGee. Met Tony. She liked to think that she would have liked him. She chuckled. Who was she kidding? She would have loved him.

She looked at her clock and noticed the time and made her way to the bathroom. Tony was on his way, so she needed to be quick. She stripped off her clothes and got into her shower. The warm water hitting her made her thoughts calm just a little bit more.

She must have taken longer than she thought because she was knocked out of reverie by a sound downstairs. She finished up her shower and turned the water off. She got out and wrapped a towel around herself. She made her way into her bedroom but stopped in her tracks when she saw Tony waiting for her on her bed. His eyes roamed her body as she had only a towel on. She would be lying if she said a shiver didn't go down her spine with him looking at her like that.

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