Chapter Thirty-Three

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Ziva woke to the sound of her alarm clock blaring. She slowly got out of bed and made her way to her bathroom. She had one more week. One more week of her senior year. It feels just like yesterday that she arrived in America, met Tony.

She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed how much happier she looked. A constant smile was always on her face, mainly because of the one person in her life she felt she could relax around.

She quickly got dressed for the day, hugged her mother bye, and went outside to see Tony already there waiting for her.

"Good morning, Tony." He placed a kiss on her cheek, greeting her back. They climbed into his car and pulled out of the driveway, taking their usual trek to school. They pulled into Tony's parking spot and quickly got out, expecting to meet up with the rest of 08. They walked through the front doors to see Jimmy and Breena already there, talking about Prom. Even though she knew they would go together, Tony hadn't asked her yet.

"Good morning Jimmy, Breena." They greeted them back. They waited for Abby and Tim to arrive before heading to class, passing the time by talking about Prom.

"So Tony, how did you ask Ziva to prom?" Tony went quiet, as did Ziva. Tony brought his hand up to his head, playing with his hair. He briefly glanced over at Ziva, noticing her watching him intently.

"Well, Jimbo. I haven't asked her yet."

"You better get on that, Tony." Tim's voice rang out from behind them, Abby smiling next to him. Tony huffed.

"You too, TF." Tim's eyes went wide as he realized he was talking about Abby. Ziva looked over at Tony.

"I have heard you say that to him before, but what does it mean?" Tony's smile became menacing.

"Oh, well you see Ziva, our sweet little Tim's middle name is..."

"Tony, don't," Tim warned.

"Farragut." Tim's jaw clenched as Tony's smile became even wider.

"Your middle name is Farragut?" Jimmy asked between laughs. Tim's face blushing beet red.

"Look, it's a family name. Our mom's father, our grandfather had it." The rest of the 08 laughed at this revelation and how it only came out just now.

"How could you not tell me this, Tony?"

"Well, the last time it came up, we weren't together yet."

"That's never stopped you before, Tony." Tim huffed. Before Tony could respond, the bell rang signaling the need to get to class. They all separated to go to their separate classes, but Tony was pulled back abruptly by Ziva."

"What's wrong?"

"All this talk about prom is making me think. How come you have not asked me yet, Tony?" Ziva wasn't normally the kind of person to feel insecure about things like this, but when it came to Tony, she tried to be as open as possible, even if it went against how she was raised.

"I was waiting for the right time. I want it to be special." Ziva smirked at him.

"Every day with you is special, Tony. Just don't wait too long, or who knows I might go with someone else." She joked, but Tony couldn't stand the thought of another man taking Ziva to prom. His jaw clenched, as Ziva laughed.

"That's not funny, David." Her laughing subsided.

"You know I love you and only you." She placed a kiss on his lips before walking the rest of the way to her class. He was so focused on her, that he didn't hear the second bell ring. He quickly ran to his class and sat down in his seat before Mrs. Cohen could mark him late.

The day went by quickly, as school work was all practically done. This was one of the times Tony missed Movie Critique. He missed ending the day with a good movie. He looked to see Ziva talking with Breena and Abby, her smile radiant. He had a new thing to end the day with, and it was so much better.

Throughout his classes, he was focused on how to ask Ziva to prom. He wasn't lying when he said he wanted to make it special. For her, he would give anything and he wanted them to be able to look back and remember these times with a smile.

He walked the rest of the way to them, noticing their laughter as he got closer. When the rest of the 08 joined them, they made their way out of the building and into their separate cars. Tim and Abby were going over to her place tonight, Breena to Jimmy's and Ziva to his. He needed to figure this out before it was too late.

They pulled into his driveway, quickly got out, and made their way inside. Ziva stayed downstairs with Gibbs and Jenny while he went to the bathroom. He quickly pulled out his phone and called Rivka. She picked up on the third ring.

'Tony! How are you?'

'I'm good Mrs. Rivka, how about you?'

'Now, you know how much I hate being called Mrs, dear. Now, what is the nature of your call?'

One of the things he liked about Rivka was she always cut to the chase and didn't take any BS. Something Ziva must have gotten from her.

'Well, prom is coming up and I was wondering how to ask Hebrew.'

The line was quiet for a few seconds before she finally spoke back up.

'That is a beautiful idea, Tony, I know she would love it. As for asking her in Hebrew, you are going to want to say "תלך איתי לנשף?"'

Tony said it back to her a couple of times, wanting to get it right before he said it to Ziva. When she finally said he got it right, he thanked her profusely before hanging up the phone. He straightened his shirt, fixed his hair, and took a few minutes to just breathe. He walked out of the bathroom and made his way back to his family in the living room. He could only watch how Ziva laughed at something his mom said. He was so glad she felt comfortable around his family, and that his family loved her almost as much as he did.

It wasn't long before Ziva sensed he was back and made eye contact with him, a huge smile on her face. He nodded his head toward the back door and she quickly got the message. He smiled at his parents before following her out the door. As Ziva sat in the chair next to the fire pit, he started the flame with a couple of spare logs surrounding them. The sun was beginning to set and the flames were shining.

"What is up with you Tony?" Damn Ninja.

"I've been thinking about how to do this for a while, but I didn't know how to do it. I wanted it to be perfect, but any moment with you is perfect. So.." He reaches over to grab her hand, looking into her eyes.

"Ziva...תלך איתי לנשף?" Her eyes shined with tears, and Tony could only watch as his words registered. She smiled at him.

"Yes." She swore Tony's smile could light up an entire continent. He leaned over and planted a passionate kiss upon her lips, barely containing his excitement. When he pulled back, he could see all the love and affection that she had for him and he never wanted that look to change.

"Now, where did you learn that? Mrs. Cohen?" Tony shook his head with a smile.

"No, your mother helped me." Ziva smiled. She loved that he had a close friendship with her mother like she had with both his parents.

"I love you, Tony." He chuckled.

"I love you too, Ziva. And we are going to burn the house down at prom." They both laughed before sharing a hug.

Prom was gonna rock.

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