Chapter Eleven

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The game ended after the overtime quarter (Which means the teams were tied in the fourth quarter and need to determine a winner so they added another quarter to the game.) The score was 68-66. Michael Franks Washington beating Washington High by two points. The people in the stands were screaming and jumping on the bleachers. They had finally beaten their rival. Tony looked around the stands and locked eyes with Ziva. She was smiling brightly at the scoreboard and of the chaos going around the gym. She was looking around at the excitement that was spreading around this room. She locked eyes with Tony and her smile became brighter. He moved over to the bleachers and saw Ziva, Abby, and McGee as well as his parents standing and cheering for his school and their basketball team.

After 10 minutes, things finally started to settle down. Tony and his team moved to the locker room where they all cheered after their win against their big rival. Tony got pats on the back from most of his teammates. He hurriedly gathered his things and changed and left the locker room. As he walked into the hallway he saw Ziva, Abby, and Tim, along with his parents, waiting for him, leaning against the wall talking. He locked eyes with Ziva and started making his way over to her. Um them. As he was walking, a hand grabbed his shoulder and wouldn't let go. He turned around to see Jeanne standing there with a smile on her face and batting her eyelashes. He yanked his shoulder away from her and started walking towards Ziva and his family again. Her hand gripped his shoulder once more. He turned around, ready to tell her off.

"What do you want, Jeanne?" His voice was filled with venom. Something that Jeanne seemed to ignore.

"Wanna join me at the Sacks' house for the after-game party? I'm sure we'll have lots of fun." Tony gave her a look of hatred. He knocked her hand off his shoulder once more and looked at her.

"Leave me alone, Jeanne. And don't touch me ever again." With that, he turned around and walked to Ziva again. Jeanne didn't make another attempt at him. As he saw Ziva, his glare made its way into a smile. She was sending a glare over in Jeanne's direction. Something that made his heart flutter. She was jealous. He liked that she was protective of him. He didn't know how much, but he was very protective of her too.

He walked over and his dad gave him a pat on the back. Tony had scored 46 of the 68 points tonight. People would say that it was skill, but in reality, it was the fact that Ziva was there and he wanted to impress her.

"Did you see the look on Jacobs' face when you scored that three-pointer? Looked like he was about to shit himself." Gibbs laughed. Jenny lightly slapped him in the arm, as they were in a public place and it wasn't just the family and Abby. There was a beautiful girl standing close to Tony. She assumed that this was Ziva.

"Hi. I'm Jenny Gibbs. Tony's mother. Excuse my husband, he's normally a functional mute. At least, until it comes to sports." Gibbs smirked. Ziva smiled at the love that she could see between the two adults.

"It is very nice to meet you. I am Ziva." She went to shake their hands which they accepted happily. Gibbs turned to look at her and noticed she looked like someone that he knew. Ziva saw this and turned her head to the side and squinted her eyebrows together. Gibbs. She had heard her father say many things about this man. Manly how stubborn and addicted to coffee he was.

"Gibbs? As in Leroy Jethro Gibbs?" Ziva hesitantly asked, not wanting to seem creepy. Gibbs nodded his head slightly. The family around them could only watch the interaction.

"My father has told me many things about you. Mainly good as you have a strong work ethic. Something my father greatly appreciated when working with you." Then it clicked for Gibbs and he raised his head to her.

"Eli David was your father?" Ziva nodded.

"Yes sir." Ziva had always been polite. Something her mother practically branded her into at a young age. She would always say "Nobody will respect you if you don't show some respect and manners yourself." It was always something that Ziva took to heart as she believed her mother to be correct.

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