Chapter Thirty-One

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College letters. This could make or break them. Tony and Ziva looked at each other wide-eyed, scared but hopeful. Seeing Tony was more nervous than her, Ziva opened hers first. She slowly ripped the envelope open and took out the paper. She opened the letter and began reading.

'Dear Ms. David,

Congratulations! It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted into the Literature program here at Ohio State University on a full academic scholarship.'

Ziva could only look up at Tony and smiled. She got in.

"I got in." Tony's smile matched hers.

"You got in?!" Tony jumped up and wrapped her in a hug, barely containing his own excitement at her acceptance. When they pulled apart, Ziva received hugs from the rest of the 08 crew and Gibbs and Jenny. When the excitement settled down, everyone turned to look at Tony. Sensing this, Tony's smile fell from his face, his body filling back up with nerves. He slowly reached for his own letter, and hesitantly opened it. His earlier fears crept back through in his mind and he couldn't stop the shaking of his hands. He looked over at Ziva for some added comfort and she gave him one of her Mona Lisa smiles. He could do this.

He ripped the seal of the envelope open and slowly pulled out the letter. With even shakier hands, he opened the paper and began reading.

'Dear Mr. Gibbs,

Congratulations! It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted into the Physical Education program here at Ohio State University on a full athletic scholarship.'

Tony dropped the letter, eyes even wider as he looked over at his friends and his family. He looked over at Ziva and smiled.

"...I got in." Ziva pulled him into a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around him. Tony could barely breathe with the fact that he got into his dream school, and Ziva was going with him!

He looked over at his parents, who were beaming at him. He moved over and wrapped his mother in a hug, then moved over for a manly hug with his father.

His friends came up and congratulated him. He looked over at Ziva and pulled her into another hug. He looked back over his letter, making sure he read everything correctly and his brain wasn't playing tricks on him.

When the excitement wore off, dinner was discussed. Ziva had left early so that she could tell her mother about her acceptance letter. Rivka was going to be thrilled.


After dinner and a movie, Tony made his way up to his bedroom. He set his letter on his desk and pumped his fist in the air. He looked at the words "full athletic scholarship" and a swell of pride filled his chest. Not only had he gotten into his dream school, but he got a full ride. He sighed, putting the letter back down and making his way to his bathroom. He was just about to close the door when he heard a knocking on his window. He looked at the clock and noticed it was 11:30 PM. He smiled, Ziva was probably coming back and didn't want to wake everyone up, it wouldn't be the first time she had done it. He walked over to his window and was horrified to see Jeanne smiling back at him. His smile quickly fell from his face and he yelled for his dad. He knew she was crazy, but this was beyond anything she had ever done before.

Gibbs ran into the room with his sig raised. He looked around the room and saw Jeanne standing dangerously next to his son's window. Tony was in a predicament. He didn't know whether to let her in or not. What if she fell off the roof and hurt herself? Gibbs made the decision for him when he walked over and opened the window, holding his hand out for her to grab ahold of. She hopped down and hit his bed, laying on it.

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