Chapter Thirty-Two

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Tony, Ziva, and Jenny walked into the observation room, prepared to see Gibbs interrogate Jeanne. Rivka had already been escorted there by another agent. Rivka went up and wrapped her arms around both Tony and Ziva.

"I am glad you are both alright. When the cops showed up at the house and I couldn't find you, I panicked." She wrapped her arms tighter around Ziva. They turned to see Gibbs walking into interrogation with Jeanne. They both sat down and Jeanne was looking at her nails, barely making eye contact with Gibbs.

"Ms. Benoit." Jeanne held a hand up.

"You can't talk to me until my lawyer gets here." Gibbs scoffed. What did Tony ever see in this girl?


They all waited in silence for what felt like forever until finally a man in a sharp dressed suit was led into the room. The man held his hand out to Gibbs.

"Jonathan Benoit. Attorney." Gibbs didn't shake his hand back.


"Yes. This is my daughter." Tony was practically shaking in observation. Partially from nerves but also from rage. He had heard about Mr. Benoit and how he always managed to get his clients out of the bind they were in. No doubt he would pull out all the stops for his own daughter. Ziva could sense his mental battle and wrapped her arms around him. He turned to her and gave her a small smile, then turned back to the interrogation unfolding.

"Agent Gibbs, what charges are being brought upon my client?" Gibbs pulled out the little file they already had on Jeanne Benoit. When Tony started dating her, Jenny and himself ran a background check on her, making sure she had no criminal history and making sure her parents didn't either. They filed it away when they found nothing.

"Stalking and Street Harassment."

"Do you have any evidence against her?"

"You mean the fact that she was standing outside of my son's window at 9 PM? Also, the fact that she confessed to having been doing it for the past couple of months." Benoit turned to look at his daughter, clear annoyance on his face but he plastered on a smile.

"I'm sure it was just a little prank, Agent Gibbs. My daughter has never done any kind of criminal activity and I don't see her starting now."

"How about you stop speaking as her father and speak as her lawyer." Benoit gave him a look of surprise. He had heard how much of a bastard Leroy Jethro Gibbs was but seeing it up close was something different.

"My apologies, Agent Gibbs. Can you explain the harassment charges to me then?"

"Anthony Gibbs has had multiple complaints about Ms. Benoit following him around, touching him when he specifically asked her not to and insulting not only him but his girlfriend as well." The moment the word girlfriend was spoken, Jeanne's calm demeanor was gone.

"That wrench stole him from me! He would still be with me if it wasn't for her!"

Behind the glass, Tony's fist clenched. He had told her multiple times that he wasn't hers. Ziva didn't steal him, she won his heart. Jeanne had been out of line all year and he was sick of it. Jenny noticed his frustration and put a hand on his shoulder, the one that wasn't currently occupied by Ziva's head.

"It is going to be okay, Tony." Tony shook his head.

"I don't know anymore, mom. She always gets away with everything. What makes this time any different?" Jenny smirked.

"Your father is the one interrogating her." Ziva nodded her head at that, hoping that it was true.

Mr. Benoit sighed on the other side of the glass. He was just now figuring out where his daughter had been and what she was doing, and he wasn't too pleased.

"Can a deal be made?"

"$5,000 fine and a restraining order will be placed on Ms. Beniot. She will not be allowed 300 feet from Anthony Gibbs, Timothy Gibbs, Abigail Sciuto, and Ziva David."

"They go to the same school Agent Gibbs, how would that work?"

"They got less than a week left. You figure it out. Or we could send her to prison for a minimum of 5 years. What will it be Mr. Benoit?" The father looked at his daughter, disappointment, and disapproval spread across his face.

"We will take the fine and the restraining order." Jeanne looked up at him in anger.

"You're not going to fight it?! Tony is my soulmate, I can't possibly stay away from him."

"Unless you want to be sent to prison, you will." With that, Gibbs walked out of the interrogation room, leaving the two Benoit's fuming. He regrouped with his family in observation, and was almost knocked off his feet by Tony pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you, dad." Gibbs hugged him back harder. He knew that Jeanne had taken a toll on him, even when they were still together, but he never realized how bad it actually was.

"You're welcome, son." He deserved to be able to sleep at night knowing that Jeanne wouldn't be bothering him anymore. Tony turned to Ziva and pulled her into a tight hug.

"She can't bother us anymore. She can't insult you anymore, that's all I could ask for." He gave her a light kiss and looked around the room at his father, mother, and Rivka.

"Thank you for helping" He looked over at Ziva. He walked over to Rivka and pulled her into a hug.

"I know we scared the crap out of you and I'm sorry for that." Rivka hugged him back and smiled into his shoulder.

"It is alright, Tony. As long as no one is hurt, everything is fine." Jenny cleared her throat.

"How about we get out of here and get some sleep? After all, it is 1 AM." They all nodded and headed out the door, making their way to the parking garage. They were all looking forward to some sleep, especially since they had to be at school.

They made it home quickly after that, Ziva riding back with Rivka so she could sleep in her own bed.

Gibbs, Jenny, and Tony walked into their home with relief in their bones and fatigue in their minds. They saw Tim and Abby asleep on the couch and went over to tell them to go to bed. Tony hugged his parents good night and made his way into his bedroom. The first thing he did was close his blinds, he didn't need any more of what he saw tonight. He took a quick shower and layed in his bed. He could forget about this because everything was about to become busy. You heard that right. Prom was coming.

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