Chapter One

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America. She was in America. After a 12 hour flight. She was finally here. 18-year-old Ziva David was looking up at the beautiful blue sky filled with clouds. Hearing the birds chirping. It was so different compared to Israel. She had barely left the airport, yet she was rooted to the spot, looking at the beauty of this country. Her mother came up behind her and put her hand on Ziva's shoulder. Ziva turned to face her with a slight smile on her face.

"Are you ready, motek?" Her mother spoke kindly. You could still see the dark bags under her eyes and the red that was engulfing her eyes. The same could probably be said for her.

Her younger sister, Tali, was killed almost a week and a half ago in a Hamas suicide bombing. Her mother had sprung the idea of moving to Israel 2 days after Tali's funeral, where she was buried next to her father and her brother. It was difficult to leave her home, her other family, but she knew that this was going to be good for her and her mother. To get away from the violence of her home, to get away from the death.

Their things had been shipped earlier in the week and were waiting for them at their new home. She was looking forward to how school would be. Things here would be different than what she was used to, but she was willing to learn the ropes. This was her new home, this is where she now resided. She was going to make the most of it.


Tony DiNozzo was always the ladies' man. All the girls wanted him, and all the guys wanted to be him. Currently, he had been dating Jeanne Benoit, and he was regretting every second of it. When they first started dating 2 months ago, she seemed so nice, so caring, so gently. But that all changed a week ago. She always wanted to be right next to him all the time, never wanted to leave him alone. Whenever he was at home, she would knock on his door and have a tantrum if she wasn't let in. She always treated others like they were beneath her. Treated them with the utmost disrespect. He just got to the point where he never wanted to be around her. Whenever they were at school, she would always try to show him off like he was some object, some prize. But he was lonely, he didn't want to be one of those loners for the rest of his life

For some reason, he had this gut feeling that this week was going to be different. He had learned from his father, to always trust his gut. His father was a former marine and a current NCIS agent, if he knew what to do to catch murderers, then Tony could use it to guide him through his life.

His father was someone that he had always looked up to. That couldn't count out his mother too. She was a very intimidating woman, but also one of the most loving and caring people that you'll ever meet. She was also the director of NCIS, so people don't normally cross her or her kids, afraid of what she could do.

He had many "friends" in school, but they all expected him to be the jerk like they all were. They were the kinds of people to throw people into dumpsters and egg cars. He just wasn't for all that.

He did have his brother, Tim, and his best friend, Abby. Abby had become like a sister to him throughout all the years they had known each other. He just wanted to get out of high school and do something good with his life.

He was walking through the park when he noticed 2 women moving boxes from outside to inside. The older of the two looked like she was struggling, so he made his way over, intending to help if needed. He walked over and made his way over to the woman. The woman noticed and looked up at him and called out in another language, more than likely to the other woman.

"I don't mean to intrude, but I was wondering if you guys needed help with anything?" The older woman smiled and nodded.

"Yes. We have many boxes that need to be moved from the truck to the house. Some of them are very heavy. If you do not mind..."

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