Chapter Thirty

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The time had flown by and the school year was coming to a close. The 08 was officially in their last week of school. The gang met up at the front of the school, chatted for a bit, then off to class they went. Everyone made it to their respective first period and started their day.

Tony walked into Hebrew 101, determined to finish the week off strong. This was his last week of his senior year of high school, he needed to make it count. They still hadn't received their acceptance letters from Ohio State yet and that was worrying him a bit. Ziva would be fine, she was a straight-A student, but him? He didn't start giving a crap until Ziva entered his life. What if he wasn't accepted? Ohio State was his dream school, the place he wanted to go since middle school. Ziva's voice rang through his head.

"You are smart, Tony. One of the smartest people that I know. I have no doubt in my mind that you will be accepted. Just be patient."


Patience was never his strong suit, but for this, for her, he would make an exception. The bell rang through the school and he fully focused on his school work. He had one more week, he could do this. Mrs. Cohen made her way to her desk and began to teach her lesson for the day. Hebrew 101 was one of Tony's favorite classes as he could speak with Ziva and Rivka in their native language. He had learned to say all kinds of things and when something really stood out to him, he would write them down and do his best to perfect them by the time school let out for the day.

The lesson was simple today. Write a final essay on your language skills regarding something that you are passionate about. As soon as the assignment was handed out and he read it, all he could think about was Ziva. He was very passionate about her, especially recently as they decided to take the next step in their relationship and getting closer not only emotionally now, but physically. He loved her with every fiber of his being and couldn't wait till they went to OSU together. Granted he was accepted in.

Tony finished his essay in record time, going back over it to make sure everything was spelled correctly and there was correct punctuation. The bell rang not too long after and he deposited his paper in the respected bin, then walked out of the classroom to meet Ziva in the hallway.

Tony smiled when he saw her standing at her locker. Her hair was down and naturally curly today, just the way he liked it. He slowly made his way over to her, and careful not to startle her (or he get punched) he made himself known.

"Sweetcheeks." He could see the smile start to spread across her face at the name that he had used since the beginning of the school year. She turned around slowly, taking his appearance of the day. He was wearing his blue shorts and a short-sleeved white shirt. She was very appreciative of the look if the looks she gave him were any indication.

"Mon petit pois. How was Hebrew today?" Tony smiled remembering the essay he wrote just about her.

"It was actually really great. Normally I hate writing essays, but this one was actually fun to write about."

"What was the topic of choice?" Tony smiled and blushed, something that only she was able to do.

"Something that we are passionate about." Ziva's smile grew wider, realizing that he was talking about her.

"I love you, Ziva."

"I love you too, Tony." All of a sudden a loud noise was heard across the hallway.

"Isn't this romantic?" Ron Sacks walked over to them, a smug smile spread across his face. Tony immediately went on the defensive.

"I thought you were expelled, Slacks." Sacks got into Tony's face, the grin turning into a full smile.

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