Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It was the beginning of January. Start of the second semester. New classes, new teachers. Tony, Ziva, Tim, and Abby all checked their schedules when they went into school. Tony and Ziva had two classes this semester together and they couldn't be more happy to be able to spend that time together. Tim and Abby have two classes together as well.

They all made their way inside the building, they were early and could socialize a bit before the bell rang. They made their way over to a free corner in the hallway. Tony wrapped his arms around Ziva and buried his nose into her hair. He was exhausted. He had been pushing the limits at practice, and could barely open his eyes this morning. The part that he hated the most, was that he hadn't seen Ziva as often. He was at practice pretty much everyday of the week. He wanted to make it up to her. Ziva understood why he wasn't present over the last two weeks. She understood that he was busy, but that didn't mean she didn't miss him.

The bell rang and they all separated, as all of their first period classes were different. Tony gave Ziva a quick kiss and made his way to Hebrew 101. A class that he was taking for the soul purpose of being able to speak with Ziva in her native language. He needed a language credit to graduate, and when he saw this class, he chose it so fast he was probably the first one to enroll for it. Ziva headed off to Parenting and Child Development. No other classes looked appealing, so she chose something that could possibly help her in the future. Abby made her way to Forensic Science, something that would help with her overall major and it was something that she enjoyed. Tim made his way to American Sign Language, seeing as he was tired of Abby and Gibbs "talking" about him with their hands. He wanted to know what they were saying, as well as possibly help someone one day if they couldn't hear.

Tony made his way to his class and took his seat in the front. No more sitting in the back and sleeping. He wanted to get A's or at least B's. He looked up as his teacher, Mrs. Cohen, started reading off the attendance. He was dressed in his varsity jacket, something he finally got back from Ziva, and was getting many receiving looks from the girls in the class.

"Boker Tov everyone! Welcome to Hebrew 101! In this class we will learn the basics and complexities of the Hebrew language." Tony pulled out his notebook, ready to take notes. He was gonna crush this class.

Ziva made her way to the other side of the school for her Parenting class. As she walked into the door, she was met with the friendly smile of Mrs. Johnson. Everybody liked Mrs. Johnson, she was always kind and gave nearly no homework.

"Good morning. Please take a seat anywhere, you are the first one here." Ziva returned her smile and made her way to the front aisle, taking her seat and pulling out her binder. She sighed when she saw Jeanne enter the room with EJ and Zoe. She ignored the glare that was casted her way and noticed that Jeanne's eyes lingered on her hand. She looked down and saw the ring that Tony had given her. She was still getting used to the feeling and oftentimes forgot it was there. Whenever she did look at it, which is actually more often than she would like to admit, her stomach would be filled with butterflies and a huge smile would spread across her face. Clearly, Jeanne didn't feel the same way about it.

She scowled over at her and crossed her arms around her herself. She looked like a toddler. She turned back to face the teacher and the board she was already starting to write notes on. She got out her pencil and started writing the unit and section down.

When the bell rang signaling that class was over, she put everything back into her bag and started making her way to the hallway. She was half expecting for Jeanne to stop her again. She met up with Tony, Abby, and Tim in the hallway and they chatted until it was time to go. They all had the same class for the second period and made their way to History. They greeted Mr. Garibaldi and sat down in their seats. They occupied the first front row, as they all wanted to sit next to one another. They all exchanged conversations as they waited for class to start.

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