Chapter Four

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Tony pulled up to the school and parked in his parking spot. He got lucky this year with parking, his spot was right near the entrance to the school and all his classes were in the main hallway. Unfortunately, he did have math first period. He hated math, was never good at it. But he decided that now he was going to make an effort, no matter skating by the C's. He didn't want to be a loser that lived at home after high school. He wanted to go to college, preferably Ohio State, and get a degree of some sort.

He hopped out of his Mustang, grabbed his backpack from the backseat, and made his way into the school. He got in and saw Ziva in the corner looking at her schedule with a look of confusion spread across her face. He smiled at her, she looked beautiful. She had on blue skinny jeans with a white top. The white really brought out her olive skin. He made his way over to her and it was like she could sense him coming up to her because she looked up at him and smiled.

"Hi." He said, smiling. His smile caused her to smile. His stomach fluttered at her smile. This woman was something different.


"What do you got there?" He said pointing to the piece of paper in her hands.

"It is my schedule. You were right this place is pretty big." She sighed. It was going to take forever to find her classes. Tony looked at her schedule from over her shoulder. He could smell her hair, it smelt like vanilla. Her close proximity was starting to affect him and his pants tightened a fraction. He closed his eyes for a second and stepped a little away from her. He didn't want to freak her out, or for her to get the wrong impression from him.

"Oh cool, we have 3 classes together. I can walk you to them so you don't get lost." Ziva nodded.

"Thank you. It would have taken me forever to find the right rooms. It would not be good if I was late on my first day." Tony smiled. Tony looked at his watch and saw that it was nearing 3 minutes until the first bell of the day rang. He looked at her schedule again and his eyes went wide as he saw her fourth period. It was the same as his, in the fourth-period slot was printed "Movie Critique". He didn't think that she could get any better.

"You're taking Movie Critique?" He was excited. Finally, there might be somebody that would understand his movie quotes and his love for them. Ziva smiled at the childish glint in his eyes. That was something that made her heart swell. There was something about this guy that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She should get to know him, she had a feeling she would if they had 3 out of 4 classes together. This would be fun.

"Yes. I want to, how do you say, get a hand in American culture. I figured what better way to do that than American movies." Tony's smile became bigger. This one was full of surprises. Tony looked at his watch again and noticed that it was about time they set off to their first class. They sat down just as the bell rang. They sat next to each other as Ziva didn't know anybody. He was her only friend at the moment.

'That's pretty sad, Ziva.' She thought. She paid attention to Mr. Barnes. He seemed to be a pretty chill teacher. But Tony had told her to not get on his bad side or he would be a hound. She had always been good in school, it was always something her mother pushed for her. She wanted her to have a good education and she wanted her to go to college. Unlike what Eli thought. From a young age, Ziva had been trained in Krav Maga and in Judo. His vision was for her to join Mossad as soon as she came of age.

Ziva just wanted a normal life and she pushed her father to let her do what she wanted, but he would always refuse. Many times there were screaming matches between the two of them which would normally end with Eli sending a slap to her cheek. Her mother never knew about those, if she did, there would have been even more arguments between them. At the time of his death, they had repaired most of their relationship. When Ziva was young, she would come home to yelling and screaming. She was happy when they worked out their differences. When she realized that she zoned out in the middle of class, she stopped thinking about her family issues and focused back on the teacher.

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