Chapter Twenty-Five

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It had been a total of two months since the dance. Two months of Tony and Ziva dating officially. It was now October and Ziva was loving the fall air. Tony and Ziva had spent every moment that they could together. The crew had all gotten even closer, now with Breena in the mix as Jimmy's girlfriend. It was nearing Halloween and Tony was still trying to explain the concept of it to Ziva. She couldn't understand the fact that grown adults and teenagers would dress up in costumes, as well as kids, and go around knocking on doors asking for candy.

Things had been going well. Sacks had been expelled from the school, and Jeanne hadn't been after them, for now.

Currently, the crew was sitting in the bonus room at the Gibbs household watching a movie. Tony and Ziva were cuddled up on the couch, whispering in each other's ears. Abby and McGee were on the floor, talking quietly talking about the graphics of the tv. Jimmy and Breena were silently watching together, as they were very talkative. Ziva and Tony had practically spent every night together that they could. They had also made a significant dent into the movie collection that now resided at Ziva's house.

Jenny and Gibbs were at a conference in Seattle for the weekend, so everybody was over at their house, relaxing and having fun. Ziva looked up at him and couldn't help the smile that plagued her face. He was so into the movie and was reciting the lines. He looked adorable and she couldn't help but laugh at his behavior. He looked at her and noticed the smile on her face.

"What?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"You just look cute when you watch movies." He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss. They pulled back and returned to the movie.


After the movie ended, Tim and Abby got Jimmy and Breena into some game of Mario. Tony and Ziva escaped to his bedroom. She had been in there a number of times over the last couple of months. She couldn't believe that she had been here for almost 6 months now. Dating Tony for two, and been best friends with him for all of it. Well not entirely in the beginning. But now, she couldn't imagine not being around him. Couldn't imagine life without him.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" She smiled as he always said that to her.

"Just thinking about us. About my life now." Tony smiled at her.

"Is that a bad thing?" She shook her head strongly.

"No! Absolutely not!" She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his middle, looking up to see him.

"I would not change it for anything." He smiled at her and leaned down to place a passionate kiss upon her lips. She responded eagerly. He wanted to take things further but he didn't want to rush things. He pulled back from her to make sure that they didn't go too far. She understood his reasoning and agreed with him. Their thoughts were brought back to reality with the rumbling of Tony's stomach. They both laughed at its persistence. If there was one thing that she learned about Tony, it was that he always had an appetite.

She looked over at the clock and noticed that it was around 8 PM.

"Do you want to order some food?" He nodded.

"Sure. What are you in the mood for?" She thought about it for a second. He could see her eyes light up as she thought of the perfect dinner for tonight.

"Pizza?" Ever since he had introduced her to the cheesy goodness, she had asked for it whenever she could.

"That sounds great. I'll go run it by the crew." She nodded and he headed down the stairs to take their orders. She looked around his room and noticed a picture on his nightstand. It was the two of them on one of their first dates. They went back to the ice cream shop that she went to with his parents. It was the first time that she had really let loose around him. She had joked and laughed and smiled more than she ever had before. She smiled at the memory of the two of them. Things were developing well between them.

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