Chapter Fourteen

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The day had gone by fairly quickly as class had gone smoothly and Jeanne and her lackeys stayed on their side of the classroom. Tony and Ziva exited their movie critique class and made their way to his car. She had been going over their conversation all day. Sometimes, zoning out in the middle of class. She would be thinking about what she would say, how she would say it, and if she wanted to say it at all. Tony had been nothing but a gentleman all day, something that made her smile and have butterflies in her stomach.

They sat down in their seats and Tony turned the key into ignition. Tony pulled out of his parking spot and headed towards Ziva's house. They pulled into her driveway and hopped out. They made their way to the front door and Ziva pulled out her key. She unlocked the door and moved inside with Tony right behind her. Rivka was in the kitchen with 3 boxes surrounding her. They moved over to her and noticed the appliances all around the counters. They were put into their places, neatly and organized. It was like a restaurant.

"Ima, we are home." Rivka turned around to see the two teenagers with their bags still on their backs.

"Hello. Ziva, the rest of your boxes have arrived. They are in your room." Ziva smiled and nodded. She turned to look at Tony.

"Would you like to help me?" Tony smirked.

"Of course." They smiled at each other and made their way up the stairs. Ziva opened her bedroom door and was met with the sight of 6 or so boxes. Tony looked around the room that was nicely decorated. It just seemed to fit her personality. Ziva moved over to one of the boxes that was labeled "Pictures". She opened the top of it and smiled at the sight that greeted her. It was a picture of her mother, herself, and Tali. Tali around the age of 2, and herself around the age of 4. Tony looked over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. He noticed Ziva immediately in the photo. She was as beautiful then as she was now. He looked over at the person that was on the right. The toddler looked just like Rivka and just like Ziva. She was just as beautiful. Ziva saw where his eyes were looking.

"That is Tali. My little sister." Tony looked at Ziva from over her shoulder.

"She's beautiful. Maybe I can meet her one day." A tear ran down Ziva's cheek as she listened to his words. Realizing that he would never meet her. Never get to see the wonderful young woman she was. Tony noticed the tear and used his thumb to wipe it away.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ziva shook her head.

"No. You did not say anything wrong." Tony had confusion written all over his face, his features.

"What's wrong, Ziva?" Another tear rolled down Ziva's cheek.

"The reason we moved here was because...two weeks before, Tali was killed in a suicide bombing at a cafe after school." Tony's breath was slow as that was a lot of information to take in.

"Ziva. I'm so sorry." Ziva looked up into his eyes and couldn't find the courage to break the pull that was one her. She leaned up and placed her lips over his. He was surprised at first but then began to move his lips with hers. This feeling was indescribable. He couldn't believe he waited this long to kiss her. When she pulled back, both of their eyes were still closed.

"Wow." Tony finally gulped out. Ziva finally opened her eyes.

"Yeah. Wow." Ziva's eyes went wide as she realized what she had done. Tony saw her panic.

"I am sorry, Tony. I did not mean to do.." Tony's lips were on hers again and all she could do was sigh. He was a really good kisser. He pulled back this time.

"Never be sorry for doing that." He let out a small laugh. She followed.

"We really need to talk about this, Ziva. I know you didn't this morning, but I need to know." Ziva looked up at him and smiled. Tony hesitated again.

"I mean if you want to unpack everything first, I'm okay with that too." Ziva laughed again.

"Tony. I am okay to talk."



"Okay. Well...I don't know how to start this." Ziva chuckled.

"I do not know either."

"All I know is that you have this...spell over me or something." Ziva smiled.

"I know that feeling." Tony hesitated.

"I want to be with you, Ziva." Ziva's smile became larger as he spoke.

"I want to be with you too, Tony." They stared into each other's eyes and both leaned in for the kiss that would cement their relationship. When they pulled back, their smiles could bring light to the entire world.

"We better start unpacking these boxes before your mom throws a fit." They laughed and moved to the boxes strewed around the room.

It took longer than they thought to unpack all the boxes. After around two hours, they were finishing the last box and Tony would steal a kiss from Ziva every now and then. Ziva pulled out the last item of the box, which looked to be a small pink blanket. It looked to be made out of wool and knitting together. Ziva looked over at him and smiled.

"This was my sister's. My mother made it for her before she was born. She would always sleep with it when she was younger." She smiled at the blanket, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Tony moved behind her and put his hand on her waist while resting his head on her shoulder.

"Where do you want to put it?" Ziva shrugged her shoulders. Tony reached around and ran his fingers over the fabric.

"What if we hung it? That way it wouldn't be in a draw or a closet. It would be displayed and it could be a way you could remember her." A tear ran down Ziva's cheek as she nodded. She looked around her room to see where she could put it. The perfect area was right above her desk. She sat at her desk a lot, whether it was to read or to do homework. Tony followed her eyesight and smiled.

"I think that would be the perfect place." He took the blanket from her hands and took it to the wall. He made sure that it was level and took four thumbtacks to keep it into place. When he was done, he turned to see Ziva crying. He moved over to her and wrapped her into a hug. She snuggled into his neck and Tony swayed them back and forth. After a while, Ziva pulled back.

"We need to get to your house." Tony's face was written with confusion. Ziva smiled.

"The Barbeque." Tony's mouth made an "O" shape.

"Oh yeah. Might need to help with that. Are you okay to go?"

"I am fine." He could tell that she was lying.

"Ziva. If you don't want to go, then you don't have to. In fact, we can just stay here and watch a movie or something." Ziva let out a laugh.

"No. No, I am fine to go as long as you keep holding me." Tony chuckled.

"I could hold you forever and never get tired of it." His honesty surprised her. She looked up and gave him a light peck.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Ziva smiled.

"For being you." Tony took a hold of her hand and they made their way out of her bedroom door. They made their way downstairs to see Rivka sitting in the living room on the couch. She turned to see their hands intertwined and she smiled. They moved over to her and smiled at the expression on her face.

"I have to get back home. We're having a cook out tonight and I was hoping it was okay if Ziva could come." Rivka smiled.

"Of course. Just make sure she is safe." Tony looked into Ziva's eyes.

"I promise I will." They made their way to the door and Tony looked over his shoulder at Rivka who was still sitting on the couch.

"You're invited too, you know. I think it would be fun. You could meet my parents, and my brother." Rivka smiled.

"If you do not mind me tagging along." Tony smiled.

"Not at all." Rivka followed them to Tony's car where she voluntarily climbed into the back seat. Tony reached over the center console and grabbed Ziva's hand. She smiled back at him and squeezed his hand tighter.

This was going to take some getting used to.

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