Scars that never leave

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⚠️WARNING involves self harm and anorexia⚠️

1 year. 1 year since she had last self harmed, 1 year since she had conquered anorexia, 1 year since she had stopped therapy. How you may ask? One word Finn.


They had just disqualified themselves from DanceMania and most of a-troupe were at the pool apart from Piper. Finn after noticing Piper's absence went to find her. As he walked through the hotel, trying to find the missing girl, he couldn't help but feel like the happiest man alive. He was in a relationship with the girl he loved with all his heart and everything was finally going right. Or so he thought. He got to Pipers room and knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again and still got no reply. The door was open so he walked in. She must be in the bathroom as he couldn't directly see her. He walk to the bathroom door seeing that it was open he walked in. Pipers back to him but he could see her reflection and what he saw shattered his heart. "Piper," that was all he could say. As she looked up he could see the fear flash across her face. "Piper what are you doing?" Questioned Finn even though he knew she was self harming. She didn't reply instead she just walked up and to him and started to cry into his shirt. He stood there in utter shock comforting her. He walked the two of them to the bed and sat down while she continued to cry. When she had calmed down he started to speak. "Pipes how long has this been happening?"

"Since Miss Angela came to the next step. I'm sorry," answered Piper.

"Hey what are you apologising for?" Questioned Finn.

"For being so incapable of taking a little bit of criticism from a dance teacher, for ruining your relationship with Amy. I shouldn't even be here," replied Piper whispering the last bit in hopes that Finn didn't hear but he did.

"Piper firstly what Miss Angela said to you wasn't criticism it was bullying, secondly you didn't ruin my relationship with Amy and lastly don't you ever ever say that you shouldn't be here. You are beautiful, smart, funny and talented. There are load of people who love you. James, Riley, Amy, your sisters, you parents, a-troupe and me. I love you Piper,"  after Finn's little speech Piper had a big smile across her face not because she felt better but because of those three little words. They had never said them to each other before.

"I love you to Finn,"

"I hate to ruin this but I still have a couple of questions," spoke Finn. Getting a nod from Piper telling him to carry on.

"Does anyone else know,"

"Riley saw me once at her and James house but it was before regionals and she thinks I stopped,"

"Ok last one, is this it or is there more because whenever I lift you at dance you feel a lot lighter,"

"It's not the only thing, I have anorexia and only Riley and James know about that,"

"Piper I need you to promise me something, you need to try to stop, I will help so will everyone else you just have to tell them," Piper thought about it and reluctantly gave in.

~~end of flashback~~

After she made the promise she knew she would tell a-troupe eventually but it seemed to happen a lot sooner than she had expected.


It's the day after DanceMania and a-troupe are all sat along a big table talking and eating. Or in Pipers case just looking at her food.  Ever since there talk yesterday Finn has been watching Piper making sure she ate and didn't try to hurt herself again. This morning was no different. He noticed she wasn't eating and gave her a reassuring smile but she still didn't eat.

Emily was sat at the opposite end of the table and was watching all the dancers, she noticed all the sneaky glances from Finn towards Piper. As she looked over she noticed not one thing on Pipers plate had been touched.

"Piper you need to eat we have to catch a plane later," spoke Emily. Piper looked over to Emily then down at her plate.

"I'm not hungry,"  replied Piper.

"You said that at dinner last night you need to eat something," said Emily showing that she wasn't going to drop this. She knew something was wrong and she was determined to find out what it was. "Finn, Piper can I speak to you in my room please," the pair nodded and followed Emily through the hotel until they got to Emily's room. before the door had closed behind them Emily started talking.

"Piper what going on, you've barely eaten anything since we got here and you don't talk to anyone other than Finn and Amy. I want to help Piper, you are basically family," spoke Emily softly.

"I don't want to talk about it," replied Piper clearly not wanting to talk.

"Pipes remember the deal, she just wants to help," whispered Finn as if he were talking to a stubborn child.

"Fine. I have been self harming and I have anorexia," said Piper in a whisper so quiet that you would have to be right next to her to hear it.

"Oh Piper," said Emily pulling her into a hug as she started to cry. When she was settled the three of them headed back to the others. When they got back the whole team turned to them with worried faces.

"Piper are you ok?" Asked Lily genuinely concerned for her friend. Piper didn't answer straight away, which gave way the fact that she wasn't, worried that they were going to judge her.

"," replied Piper while she pulled the sleeves of her jumper up and down.

"Piper what is that on your wrist?" Asked Amy.

"What d... oh that, it's a c...cut,"

"From what? Piper what happened?" Questioned Richelle.

"I have been cutting and I have an eating disorder," spoke Piper looking at the floor.

~~end of flashback~~

After Piper told them the team was very supportive and caring towards her and she deeply appreciated it. The next few months were hard on Piper and her family and friends but they all stayed by her side. Through out all of Pipers struggles there was always a constant light guiding her through the darkness or as Piper calls him Finnyboy. She knew that the scars would never leave but neither would Finn.

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