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This is set in between episode 11 and 12 in season 7.

Piper's POV

I pull away from Finn. That was amazing but what have i done. My mind is going a million miles an hour trying to process what happen and i start to realise. Oh no... i kissed Finn but he is with Amy, my best friend. I kissed my best friend's boyfriend. I grab my stuff as fast as i can and run out of the locker room. I can hear Finn calling my name over and over again but I don't stop. I just keep running. I can feel my breathing start to quicken but its not because I'm running. I stop and try to slow my breathing but it isn't working.i look around and see James and Riley's house. I still cant stop my breathing so i run to their house i bang on the door as hard as i can and pray that someone opens it. All of a sudden i see Riley trying to calm me down. After a while i have calmed down, it go inside and sit on the sofa.

Riley: piper what happened?

I know i should tell Riley she is basically my sister.

Piper: i kissed Finn

Next thing i know Riley's arms are wrapped around me.

Riley: Piper, look at me

I lift my head so that i am facing her.

Riley: i know what you are going o say. 1) it is not your fault. 2) you need to go to the studio tomorrow and talk to Finn. And finally i promise i wont tell James.

Piper: thank you Riley

Riley: no problem

Hi, sorry this one is so short i have been really busy. Izzy xxxx

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