Coming home

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Hi, so I meant to publish this last week but I was really ill so I didn't finish it. BTW Ralfie never happened.

James POV

"Hey Riles," I say as I pick up the phone.

"Hey James how are you?"

"Good, how's the studio?"

"It's good, where are you at the moment it sounds busy?" Asked Riley.

"I've gone out, the boys were annoying me," I lie.


"You ok Ri?" I asked knowing the answer.

"I just miss you,"

"I miss you too but I gotta go Riles, I love you,"

"I love you too Jay,"

Then I heard the tone and knew she had hung up. I feel bad about lying but it will all be worth it in the end.

Riley's POV

As I put the phone down I look at the window in my office and focus on the dancers warming up. The studio is so stressful, I have to deal with the Sloane, Amy, LaTroy love triangle and Noah's back injury, let alone regionals. I get up and head out of the office and over to the dancers. "Hey Riley?" Called Piper.


"Happy anniversary!" Spoke Piper.

"Thanks Pipes,"

"Wait it's your anniversary?" Asked Skylar.

"Uh huh,"

"How long?" Questioned Cassie.

"3 years now," I replied not really wanting to talk about it when James was half way across the world. Anyways on with rehearsals.

Pipers POV

As we are rehearsing I can tell that Riley really misses James, i mean they haven't seen each other in like two months when they usually see each other every single day. I feel really bad about not telling her but it is meant to be a surprise.

James POV

As I pull up outside the studio I am really excited to see Riley. I haven't see her in weeks and I missed her loads. As I walk down the hallway I can hear her yelling things like 'Amy point your toes' or 'Alfie put your arms higher'. As I quietly walk through the doors I motion for all the dancer to not say anything about me so that I can sneak up on Riley and surprise her.

"So you all need to remember to practise at home because I can tell that some of you aren't practicing as much as you could be," said Riley still oblivious to the fact I was there.

"Yeah you really should be practicing!" I say making Riley turn around. Before I could say another word Riley had come running at me and jumped into my arms wrapping he legs round my torso.

"I missed you so much," whispered Riley.

"I missed you too,"

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