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Noah's POV

I am in studio B with Richelle. We have a small duet competition this weekend so we are practicing. It is all going really well until we get to the backhand springs and Richelle slips. She falls to the floor and grabs her wrist and starts to cry.

Noah: Ritchie are you ok?

Richelle: oww my wrist i...i think its b...broken.

Noah: ok i will get Kate.

I run out of studio B. I need to find Kate.

Kate's POV

I'm in studio A watching James and Riley's duet for nationals. I am very impressed with it its going very well. Just then Noah runs in looking a bit panicked.

Kate: Noah whats wrong

Noah: it...its Ri...Richelle we were going trough our duet when she fell and hurt her wrist.

Kate: oh no where is she?

Noah: studio B

All four of us run to studio B to find Richelle sat on the floor, crying and holding her wrist. This doesn't look good. I go over and look at her wrist.

Kate: It looks pretty bad. Riley call an ambulance. Noah look after Richelle while i phone her parents.

Noah: Miss Kate her parents are in England on a business trip.

Kate: who is she staying with?

James: she's been staying with my family. In pipers room.

Kate: oh ok.

A few minutes later the paramedics come in. And look at Richelle's wrist.

Paramedic: we are going to have to take her to the hospital for x-rays.

Kate: ok can Noah and i come?

Paramedic: yes the two of you can come.

Kate: ok. James, Riley your duet looks fine you can go home.

James: ok, i will tell my mum about Richelle.

Kate: thanks

A while later in the hospital (still Kate's POV)

Noah and I are sat in the waiting room waiting fo the doctor to come out. A few minutes later we are in the room with Richelle and the doctor walks in.

Kate: is she ok?

Doctor: well she broke her wrist in two places. It will take about 3 months to fully heal. But you can start to dance again in 2 and a half months.

Kate: ok thank you

Poor Richelle she looks like she could cry.

Richelle: can we please go home?

Noah: yeah

Sorry this one isn't very good. :)

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