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Set in season 7. Amy and Finn never dated. Piper and Finn are not together (yet).

Piper's POV

Today Nick and Emily gave us the day of since we have been working so hard for nationals. We all decided to go to the Fair. Nick is going as well since we need an adult. We all meet at the studio at around nine to get on the bus. I sit at the back with Finn and everyone else sat at the front. Finn is my best friend but i like him, like like him but i am to scared to tell him. As we are on our way to the fair i get really cold and start to shiver. Finn gives me his hoodie to warm me up. At first i decline his offer but he makes me wear it and i am glad he did.

Amy's POV

While we are on the bus i look to the back to see Finn giving Piper his hoodie. I nudge Richelle and them we both awww at them. It's obvious that they like each other they just need to admit it already.

About 30 minutes later (still Amy's POV)

Nick: ok guys listen up. You are all going to stay in pairs and we will meet back here at around eight. Now before you start choosing who you will go with i have already decided. Amy and Henry, Kingston and Lily, Summer and Ozzy, Richelle and Kenzie then finally is. Finn and Piper. Now go and have some fun.

Pipers POV

Me and Finn have been having a great day so far. It is around six thirty so we still have some time to kill. Finn really wants to go on the Ferris wheel but I'm not to sure about it because I absolutely hate hight's.

Finn: come on Pipes it will be fun.

Piper: I...I don't know

Finn: please Pipes, i will be there the whole time. I promise.


We go and get in the queue for the Ferris wheel i still feel pretty scared but know i have Finn, I'm not as scared as i was at first. We are at the front of the queue waiting to get on. When it starts to move i get nervous, i think Finn can tell.

Finn's POV

We are on the Ferris wheel and i can tell that Piper is nervous. I grab her hand to try to get rid of the nerves. I expected that she would pull her hand away but instead she just smiles. Everything looks so beautiful from up here, especially Piper. I still have a bit of a crush on her, ok a big crush. But she doesn't have a crush on me.

Piper's POV

When we get off i feel so happy that i conquered one of my fears. I might as well try to conquer another.

Piper: Finn?

Finn: yeah Pipes

Piper: i...i like you

Finn: i like you too

Piper: no no like that i like you as...as more than a...a friend

Finn: really?


I look down he doesn't feel the same way.

Nobody's POV

As Piper looked down Finn lifted up her chin and they looked into each other eyes and kissed. It felt like fireworks had gone off. They both pulled away and smiled. They both walked back to the bus hand in hand. They sat at the back and Piper cuddled up to Finn.

Amy's POV

We are on the bus on the way back an i see Piper and Finn cuddled up at the back. I then have an idea.

Amy: lets play truth or dare.

Everyone: ok

Amy: Piper truth or dare?

Piper: umm... truth

Amy: hm...when was your first kiss and who was it with?

Piper is the youngest on a-troupe. She is only fifteen and i know she hasn't had her first kiss unless.

Piper: umm...*whispers* today

Amy: what was that Piper

Piper: today

Amy: who with?

I think we all know who.

Piper: F...Finn

Everyone except Piper and Finn: aaaaawwwww

Piper and Finn smile and kiss.

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