My brothers enemy

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Izzy's POV

I was talking to Heath earlier and in the middle of our conversation I realised something big. I like Heath. Now I know what you're thinking Izzy likes her brother's enemy. But its true. Under no circumstances can Ozzy find out though.

The next day at the studio

I spent all last night thinking about it. I needed to speak to Heath. When rehearsals were over i went to the next steep trying to find Heath. Lucky for me he was there. I walk over to him, I'm starting to get nervous. I am never nervous.

Izzy: Heath c...can i talk to you for a minute?

Heath's POV

Heath: yeah sure

I wonder what's up with Izzy she seems nervous. Oh well. I need to concentrate on telling her.

Izzy: heath i...

Heath: you what

I hope she isn't moving or switching studios.

Izzy: i like you

She what! I have to tell her this now!

Heath: i like you too

Izzy: oh no

What i thought she liked me

Izzy's POV

Heath: i like you too

Just as he says that i see Ozzy. I really hope he didn't hear that. But by the look on his face he did.

Izzy: oh no

I motion to Heath and he turns to see Ozzy. He looks like he could explode. But he is looking just past us. I turn to see Ezzy  (my cousin) snogging a boy from school.Ezzy soon spots him and fleas with her boyfriend. Ozzy calms himself down then comes over.

Izzy:hey ozzy

Ozzy: Izzy I know about you and Heath and I'm happy for you.

Izzy:thanks bro

Heath:yeah thanks

Ozzy: just don't break her heart

Heath: i would never dream of it.

this is important. So basically I am really busy so I am only going to be able to update once every two nights. If there is anything you want me to do please say.
Izzy xx

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