See you again pt 1

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Hi, so this one shot is going to split into multiple different parts. Just a reminder that if you would like to write a small conversation for this one shot you still can and please send it to me as soon as possible.
Izzy xx

Kate's POV

Today is the day of the A-Troupe reunion. I couldn't be more excited. A-Troupe got back from dancemania about a week ago. Everyone from Jiley down to Pinn is coming, even Chris I can't wait. Right now I am in studio A with Nick waiting for everyone to start showing up.

Phoebe: Kate!

Kate: hey Phoebe. How are you?

Phoebe: I'm good

Nick: hi I'm Nick, nice to meet you

Phoebe: nice to meet you too, Phoebe

Chris: hey. I'm back

Hey it's been so long

After Chris arrives everyone else starts to appear. Giselle, Daniel, Tiffany, Stephanie, Chloe, Michelle, Eldon, West and Emily. Everyone from the original winning team was here apart from Jiley.

Kate: Emily, have you see Jiley?

Emily: no I haven't, I'll ask West. WEST

West: *kisses Emily* hey Em, what's up?

Emily: have you see Jiley?

West: no

Kate: ok and when did you two become a thing?

West: after the current A-Troupe won regionals this year

How have I not realised that but anyways Jiley should be here by now. Where are they?

Riley's POV

Right now it is 10:15 and James and I are on our way to the next step for the reunion. We were meant to be there at 10 but we won't arrive until 10:30. I feel really sick. James tried to make me stay home but I refused, I really want to see everyone again.

Kate's POV

It's now 10:30 and Amanda, Thalia, Hunter, Cierra, Max and Noah have all shown up but still no Jiley. What is keeping them so long.

James: yo

Kate: where have you been?

Eldon: probably making out in the costume closet like old times.

As everyone is laughing at Eldon's remark my eyes are drawn to Riley. She looks awful. Her face is pale and there are bags under her eyes.

Kate: I don't think they were... Riley are you ok?

Riley: y...yeah I'm fine

Emily: Ri, you don't look fine

Riley: Em I swear I'm fine

Kate: if you say so just take it easy

Michelle's POV

I go over to where Riley is sat with Amanda and Emily to have a chat with them.

Riley: hey Michelle

Michelle: hey how are you?

Riley: good

Amanda: you don't look good

Riley: thanks

Amanda: you know what I meant

Emily: Ri, you look really ill. Are you sure your ok?

Riley: honestly I'm fine

Michelle: if you say so

Amanda: I'm going to get food anyone coming?

Michelle: no

Emily: no

Riley: no

Amanda: ok

Emily's POV

Something is off with Riley and I am going to find out what it is.

Emily: Ri can I talk to you for a minute?

Riley: sure

We head over to one of the benches outside the office and sit down.

Emily: Riley what's going on?

Riley: nothing

Emily: your my little sister I know when something is up

Riley: it fine... on second thoughts

Then she gets up and runs out of the studio. If anyone knows what's going on with her it's James.

Emily: James do you know what's wrong with Riley. We were just talking and then she ran off.

Before I could finish what I was saying, James bolted out of the room after Riley. I guess I will just have to wait.

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