Games and Secrets

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They did it. They had won regionals, then Nationals and now internationals. They were the best studio in the world.

A-troupe had arrived home and had decided to spent one last night at the studio together as they knew that it would most likely be the last time they spent as a team.

One by one they all started to arrive and after ten minutes of waiting jiley stumbled through the door, with Riley trying to cover a noticeable hickey on her neck. "Look who finally turned up, anyways what does everyone wanna do?" Asked Stephanie.

"Ohh let's play truth or dare," suggested Cierra. Everyone agreed to play so they sat on the bench's and some sat on the floor and started to play.

"I'll go first, Riley truth or dare?" Asked West.

"Umm dare," replied Riley.

"I dare you to kiss James," spoke West. Earning a small giggle from the regionals team members as they remembered the time that Tiffany had dared James to kiss Riley. Riley rolled her eyes, as James smirked, before turning to James and giving him a very long passionate kiss.

"Ok break it up before you start to swallow each other," stated Stephanie. After a few rounds of truth or dare they all got bored of it and decided to play never have I ever drinking style with coke for anyone underage.

"Never have I ever hooked up with my best friend," said Eldon. Stephanie, Michelle and Max all took a sip.

"Never have I ever snuck out in the middle of the night," spoke Noah. Everyone drank except for Noah and Giselle.

"Never have I ever had a pregnancy scare," stated Michelle. As soon as she heard this her eyes flickered from James to her feet then back to James. James trying to keep his cool just look down and swirled he drink in the cup. Their actions didn't go unnoticed by the team as they had hoped.

"Jiley is there something your trying to hide?" Questioned Amanda after an uncomfortable silence. The pair looked at each other and nodded then both lifted their glasses and drank as if it was nothing. The whole team stared at the two of them in complete shock in need of an explanation.

"So are you going to tell us the story or not?" Asked Thalia. Riley looked upset at the thought of telling everyone but no one picked up on it apart from James.

"I don't think that's a good idea," replied James not wanting to speak about it anymore.

"Come on it can't be that bad," pressured Giselle.

"Umm i uhh need the loo. I'll be back in a minute," stated Riley as she got up and walked out of the door.

"Please tell us James, we won't tell Riley," said Eldon. James sighed.

"Ok you have to promise not to tell Riley. So it was an hour before our duet for internationals and I walked into the changing rooms looking for Riley and she was in there. When she saw me she hid something in her bag and she was acting all strange. She came over to me, wrapped her arms around me and started to cry into my shirt. I asked her what was wrong and she went to her bag and got out a positive pregnancy test. I told her that everything would be fine and she calmed down. Then umm two days ago she had a miscarriage. She shouldn't be here she should be at home. You can't tell anyone the only people who know are Kate and Emily. I'm going to check on Riley," and with that he walked out to find his girl.

The team was shocked to say the least. "Wow that was..." started Max.

"Unexpected," finished Cierra.

"That's not fair," commented Thalia.

"Poor Riley, that must've been awful," said Michelle. After the small conversation they just sat in silence until they heard a low chatter coming into the studio.

"Hey Riley," smiled Giselle. She didn't say anything instead she just smiled back.

They spent the rest of the evening playing games, talking and watching movies.

Sorry the ending is really crappy.

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