The Band Part 2

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Piper's POV

We just pulled up near the concert and are getting ready to go in. We get in and wait for the band to come on. They do their normal songs until...

James: so this song is for a very special someone. You know who you are.

I look over to Riley and she looks happy. The band starts playing brave. During the song James nods at me which is my cue to take Riley up on to the stage.

Riley: Piper what are you doing

Piper: just wait and see

The song finished and Riley was now on the stage. Then James comes forward and takes Riley's hand and starts to speak.

James: Ri, we have been together for 5 years and they have been the best 5 years of my life. We have had good days and bad days but i dont mind those. I want to spent the rest of my life with you so...

Then he gets down on one knee and Riley sheds happy tears.

James: Riley Indie Raymond will you marry me?

Riley: yes of course!

James jumps up and spins Riley round.

Riley: *whispering so only James can hear* James be careful of the baby

James: ok... wait are you...

Riley: yes

Out of nowhere James run across the stage and flips. I have a feeling Riley told him.

Theo: James calm down its not like you're having a child

Then James and Riley start to laugh really hard.

Sorry this one is short I couldn't think anything else to write. Izzy

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