Marry you

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This one shot is going to be a little different as it will be in third person. Izzy xx

Earlier today The Next Step competed in the finals of Internationals against Sweden but they drew so they had to do duets. James and Riley did the duet and let me tell you there wasn't a dry eye amongst the girls and they won obviously. At the moment it is about 11pm so everyone is asleep apart from James and Riley. Now before you jump to any conclusions they are just talking and yes they somehow talked Miss Kate into letting them share a room. But anyway back to Riley and James.

"Jay?" whispered Riley.

"Yeah Riles?"

"I know this sounds stupid but do you ever think about our future?" asked Riley.

"Yeah, I do," answered James. Riley looked up at him, nodding, telling him to carry on.

"I think about how oneway I'm gonna marry you, that I want kids with you and I want to be with you forever. I'm never gonna let you go Ri!"

"I love you so much Jay,"

"I love you too Riles," With that the two of them try to go to sleep but something is bothering James and he can't stop thinking about it. "Hey Riles?"

"Hmm," At least he knew she was awake.

"When do you want to get married?" asked James nervously.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you!" replied a rather tired Riley.

"Ok... so if I were to ask you to marry me right now you would say?"

"Yes" answered Riley.

"Well then Riley Lynn Raymond will you marry me?" Asked a very hopeful James.

"What...of course!" replied Riley. Just as Riley was about to kiss him James put a hand up and said.

"Just give me a second," He got up out of bed, turned the light on and headed towards his suitcase. He got out a pair of socks and fiddled with them until he pulled out a black velvet box. Riley gasped and her hands few to her mouth when she saw the small box. James made his way back to Riley, opened the box and slid the silver sparkling ring onto her finger.

"There we go now its official," Joked James. The couple shared a passionate kiss before falling into a blissful slumber.

The next morning James and Riley decided not to tell the team yet and to try and let them figure ti out on their own. Anyways, a-troupe are on their way down to breakfast, James and Riley a little away from the group. When everyone was eating, they were all talking apart from James and Riley who were replaying the previous nights events.

"Jiley are quiet.Whats up with you two?" asked Giselle, noticing their lack of conversation.

"nothing' replied James.

"They are probably tired from last night!" sniggered West whilst Riley hid her face in James chest. After some minutes Michelle piper up.

"Riley why are you hiding your left hand under the table? Did you hurt it in your duet yesterday?" spoke Michelle, grasping the attention of the whole team and Miss Kate who started eyeing Riley.

"uhh...n...nothings wrong," stuttered Riley unconvincingly.

"Riley show us you hand now," Stated Miss Kate in a firm tone. Riley looked toward James, who nodded subtly, slowly Riley lifted her hand from her lap onto the table.

"See I told it is perfectly fine!" said Riley. They were yet to notice the engagement ring.

"Riley what's that?" asked Amanda

"Whats what?" questioned Riley pretending not to know what she was talking about.

"What the ring on your finger?' specified Amanda.

"Hold on, that's an engagement ring!" stated Cierra.

"When did this happen?" questioned Eldon.

"How long have you been hiding this?" pried Stephanie.

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Thalia. While the couple were being interrogated Riley was starting to feel nervous and tense and was hiding in James chest. He was trying to soothe her as he could tell she was getting upset.

"calm down it happened last night at like midnight. It's only been a few hours," explained James, still comforting Riley.

"Aren't you a bit young to get married?" asked Thalia.

"Yeah, we know you are in love and all but just waiting a few years can't hurt." agreed West. A-troupe hadn't noticed that this was thoroughly upsetting Riley.

"We don't care what you think, it's our life we can do what we want. Did you ever think that what you were saying would upset us. No you didn't. Think about it maybe we dint tell you because we knew you would react like this!" exploded Riley, all her friends were completely taken aback, she never acted like this. But before anyone could say anything she ran back to her room.

"Well done!" stated James, his tone full of sarcasm.

"We didn't mean to upset her, we're sorry," stated Michelle.

"Its fine, I'm gonna go talk to her," replied James, walking in the same direction as Riley. As he entered their room he saw Riley lying on the bed crying.

"Oh's ok," comforted James. After a few minutes she stopped crying.

"Riley, they didn't mean to upset you,"

"I know, it's just hard hearing your best friends say that," responded Riley who had stopped crying.

"Come on they are waiting for us on the stage,"

"Jay, why on the stage?" asked Riley.

"Dunno they just said to meet them there," replied James.

When the couple arrived at the auditorium, they made their way through the seats. All the lights were off so you couldn't see the stage. When they were halfway to the stage the lights came on revealing the whole of a-troupe plus Emily with a cake saying congratulations.

'They really are my family!' thought Riley to herself with a huge smile plastered across her face.

Sorry for the crappy ending

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