Shhhh part 2

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Britt's POV

Oh no. This just got worse.

Trev: sorry you already got your answer

Phew. Next was Lamar.

Trev: do you actually love raccoons?

Of course Trev would ask something this stupid.

Lamar: yes

Next was Jordan, who was asked what her favourite film was and she said the notebook. Then it was Zac, who got who is your celebrity crush. apparently it's Selena Gomez. Zac spun and got Logan. He asked her...

Zac: if you had to date any of the boys here, who would you choose?

I really hoped she didn't say Trev.

Logan: umm Isaac

Some of the boys whistled and when I say some I mean Trevor and Lamar.

Logan: shut up. Anyway... Jennie your turn. Who is your favourite singer?

Jennie: Beyoncé

Jennie spun and it landed on Vic.

Jennie: uhhh...who have you known the longest out of all of us?

Vic: umm...Logan

I was the only person who hadn't gone so I would be next. I hoped it wouldn't involve Trev.

Vic: ok Britt who did you last kiss and when?

After hearing her I felt like someone had dropped a tone of weights onto my chest. I look over to Trev who just smiles as if to say to just tell them.

Britt: umm... was T...Trev

Vic: really and when?

Britt: before we came in.

I whispered it so quietly I hoped that no one heard but of course everyone did.

Alex: What?!

Even though Alex is only a few months older than me she is still like my big sister. I looked around at everyone with their faces completely blank. I was starting to internally freak out until I felt a hand clasp mine. I looked down to see Trevor's hand wrapped around mine. He always knows how to calm me down. Suddenly the room erupted into congratulations from everyone until Logan asks...

Logan: how long have you been dating?

I look at Trev trying to hint for him to answer. So he did.

Trev: nearly 4 months

Lamar: Bro, how did you keep that a secret?

Trev: honestly I have no clue how I managed it.

He looks down at me and says...

Trev: I love you so much Britt

Britt: I love you too Trev!

Hey so if you have any suggestions or requests for one shots that you would like to see then please do say. I am open to any suggestions.
Izzy xxx

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