Meant to be

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Set after TNS won regionals in season 6

Jacquie's POV

I can't believe we won regionals. As they announce the winner Noah runs up to me and kissed me even though we broke up. I think I made a mistake. I need to talk to Noah.

Noah's POV

I know Jacquie and I broke up but I do truly love her. I'm never going to be able to forget about her. I have to at least tell her this. I walk to the stage, knowing Jacquie she will probably be there. As I walk back stage I see Jacquie dancing a beautiful and and emotional solo to whirlwind. As she finishes I make my way onto the stage.

Noah: that was incredible

Jacquie: thanks. What are you doing here?

Come on Noah this is your chance just tell her.

Noah: Jacquie listen, I know we broke up but... I love you so much and already regret breaking up with you. I don't mind if you don't feel the same way but I just had to tell you.

Jacquie: Noah I'm sorry b...

Noah: Jacquie it's fine I think I will go now

I turn to leave when I hear.

Jacquie: I love you too

Before I have time to fully process what she just said I found my lips attached to hers. I couldn't be anymore happy. Eventually we pulled away.

Jacquie: Noah?

Noah: yeah

Jacquie: what happens now?

Noah: what do you mean?

Jacquie: I mean like what happens now that you are leaving. Do I leave as well?

I don't know what to tell her.

Noah: honestly Jacquie I really don't know. It's your choice if you leave TNS or not. All I know is that I will support you no matter what.

Hi sorry that it isn't very long and that it is absolutely awful. I am struggling with ideas to write about so I would really appreciate it if you could give me some ideas.
Izzy xx

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