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This one shot is inspired by Who is it? By @noletbainclark
Izzy xxx

Emily's POV

I'm in studio A with the team waiting to start rehearsals for Nationals. I look over to Miss Kate's office to see her pacing up and down. After a while she comes out, but before she does she slips something into her back pocket. As I get a closer look she looks really angry. Miss Kate is never angry.

Miss Kate: Boys out now

As soon as that left her mouth, they ran out. Everyone knew not to mess with Miss Kate when she is angry.

Kate: girls get in a line now!

All of us girls get up and into a line. I think it's fair to say we are a little scared. If looks could kill at least one of us would already be dead. She begins to walk down the line until she stops in front of me. Oh no.

Kate: Emily... where is Riley?

Emily: she has the flu.

After that she carries on inspecting everyone of us as if we were all being compared. Then very abruptly she stops in front of Michelle. I am so confused. Michelle's face goes from scared to nervous within a matter of seconds.

Kate: Michelle do you have something to tell us?

Michelle: umm...

Kate: would you be more comfortable talking in my office?

Kate's tome goes from angry and cross to caring and soft. I really am truly confused now.

Michelle: I...ummm

Kate:it's ok Michelle. Would you like someone to come with you?

Michelle: umm... n...no

The two of them walk into the office leaving the rest of us standing in the middle of studio A, not a clue of what we are supposed to be doing.

Michelle's POV

Kate: does Eldon know yet?

Michelle: I'm really sorry Kate but I don't understand

Then Miss Kate pulls out a small rectangular object from the back pocket of her jeans. A pregnancy test.

Michelle: Miss Kate it isn't me I swear

Kate's POV

If it's not Michelle then who is it. I am pulled from my thoughts by a knock at the door. I look up to see Riley standing in the doorway. Her eyes were red and puffy, it looked like she had been crying for hours. Then it all clicked. Riley! As my mind comprehends what is happening I pull Riley into a hug as tears start to fall down her cheeks.

Kate: Riley, sweetie... don't cry. Sit down and we can talk ok

She sits next to Michelle, as Michelle gets up to leave Riley grabs her arm as if asking her to stay. So she sits back down. I signal to Riley to start talking.

Riley: well since James and I broke up a week ago I haven't told him yet

After some talking I hear footsteps and turn to see James. As soon as he sees Riley he walks up to her pulling her into a tight embrace as me and Michelle exit the office to give them some privacy.

Riley's POV

I know i have to tell him and now is my chance. I pull away from James. Though it was nice to be in his arms again.

James: what's wrong Ri?

Riley: i'm so sorry James

James: what are you apologising for?

Riley: I'm pregnant

After a few seconds I look down at the floor before I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me and hold me close while I cry silently into his shoulder.

James: I won't leave you. We are going to raise this baby together.

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