The band

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Piper's POV
Right now i am at James and Riley's house in my room getting ready to go to the concert. The reason i am at their house is because m mum and dad moved to Spain to be closer to my dads family, so i decided to stay with James and Riley so i could stay at the next step anyway back to the concert. So James' band is playing a concert tonight but it is a special one so i am going with Finn.

(This is Pipers outfit) about 30mins later

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(This is Pipers outfit) about 30mins later

James has already left with the band to get ready so i am here with Riley. I an just in my room scrolling through Instagram when. Here a knock on my door.

Piper: come in

Riley: hey Pipes...

Piper: what's on your mind?

Riley: w...what makes you think that

Piper: Ri i have known you for ever we are sisters now just tell me

Riley: ok but you promise you wont tell anyone

Pipe: promise

Riley: ok well i um i took this and...

Piper: squeeeeeeeeeeeeee

1 hour later

Me and Riley are on the way to pick up Finn, my boyfriend, anyway I'm bombarding Riley with questions about the baby. The before i know it we are at Finn's house. I jump out of the car and run up the front door. I knock and before I realise Finn was opening the door and kissed me.

Piper: well hello to you too

Riley (from the car): hurry up Pinn or we are going to be late.

Me and Finn laugh and get in the back of the car and we head to the concert.

Sorry this one is short i was really busy so I didn't have much time. Part 2 should come out soon! Izzy

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