See you again pt 5

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Kates POV

Right now its around twelve thirty so everyone has had a chance to catch up and i think it is time for some fun!

Miss Kate: ok listen up everyone. Now that you have all had a chance to catch up with each other how about we have some fun?

Everyone: yeah!

Miss Kate: ok then. Can i have Riley, James, Emily, West, Eldon, Michelle, Giselle, Daniel, Stephanie, Tiffany and Chloe on the dance floor.

They all make their way over from various places around the studio. They all seem a bit confused but they will understand in a minute.

Riley's POV

Miss Kate just called all the OG's to the dance floor for some reason.

Miss Kate: ok, now you may be wondering what we are going to do and here is your answer. Chris, Phoebe, Nick and i have chosen a group dance, a solo, a small group and a duet from each troupe and we are gonna do them now!

After Miss Kate said that the room erupted into cheers. Whilst everyone else was cheering James whispered...

James: hey Ri, you need to be really careful if you are going to do this.

Riley: James I'm only a few weeks. We will be ok.

After the noise had died down Miss Kate walked over to the stereo.

Miss Kate's POV

Miss Kate: ok first up group dances. STUTTER!

Miss Kate: that was so good you guys! Next up UNSINKABLE!

Miss Kate: wow you still got it. Carrying on LET'S DANCE TONIGHT!

Miss Kate: incredible. Ok...A-SIDE!

Miss Kate: impressive. Let's go with STAND UP!

Miss Kate: Good job. Next is EVEN WHEN WE'RE GONE!

Miss Kate: amazing. Last group dance is NOT A KID ANYMORE!

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