Secrets aren't always bad

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Brittany's POV

About two months ago we finished filming season 4 of The Next Step. I haven't seen any of the cast except Victoria and Alex B. Though that will change soon as Victoria is having a cast party at her apartment tomorrow. It will be so nice to see everyone again especially him. Here's the thing, Brittany has had a crush on Trevor since season 1 but because they are best friends she is scared that if she says something about it it would ruin their friendship. The next day at around six pm I get a cab to Vic's apartment. As I walk in I suddenly feel at home. This cast is basically my second family. As I look around I see Alex making her way over. She is like a big sister to me.

Alex: Hey Britt. You look great.

Britt: Thanks. So do you.

I say not really paying attention as I am looking around trying to see if Trevor is here.

Alex: Britt if you really want to know he is in the kitchen with Myles.

How she worked that out i don't know.

Britt: How did you... never mind. I'll speak to you later.

Trevor's POV

Right now I am at Victoria's apartment for a cast party. I am in the kitchen talking to Myles trying to distract myself from thinking about Britt. Why you may ask because I really really like her and have since we first met. But I can't tell her. It would ruin our friendship forever. Anyways speaking of Britt here she comes.

Britt: Hey Trev, hey Myles

Trev: Hey Britt you look amazing

Britt: Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself.

she said with a bit of a laugh.

Britt: Just kidding you look great

A few hours later and everyone is starting to head home and I decide to go. When I got home. I get in the shower and then put my pyjamas as it is getting late and just when I was getting into bed I hear the faint ring of the doorbell. Who the hell is at the door at this time of night? I think to myself. When I open the door I see a tired and fed up looking Britt.

Trevor: Britt what happened? Is everything alright?

Britt: everything is fine. I left my keys in my apartment and Sam is at her boyfriends house for the night. so I can't get in.

I think I know where this is going.

Trevor: Britt its fine you can crash here. You go to the lounge and I'll get you a hoodie and some joggers.

Britt: thanks Trev

I head to my room to get one of my hoodie and a pair of joggers that my sister left here a while ago. I go back to the lounge to see Britt struggling to stay awake.

Trevor: Britt go change and then go to my room. You can sleep on my bed and I will take the couch for the night.

Britt: no you sleep in your bed I will be fine on the couch.

Trevor: Britt just take the bed you need a good nights sleep.

Britt: Ok and Trev... thanks

Trevor: Britt don't even worry about it, you are always welcome.

After Britt went into the bedroom I put the TV on and turned the volume down so that I won't wake Britt. After about an hour I hear a small patter of feet and turn to see a sleepy Britt coming over to the couch. She sits down and snuggles up to me which makes me smile. I wrap my arm around her.

Britt's POV

Trevor: You ok?

Britt: Yeah just something bothering me.

Trevor: What is it?

Britt: I...uh...

Trevor: You can tell me anything, I'm your best friend.

Britt: Thats the problem

Trevor: What that we are best friends?

He sounds hurt I might as well tell him.

Britt: Yeah I want to be more than that. I really like you Trev. Like a lot.

Trevor: I really like you too!

Before I could comprehend what I was doing I felt his soft lips against mine. After about a minute we pull away.

Trevor: Britt will you be my girlfriend?

Britt: Of course.

Hello happy new year 🥳 Izzy xx

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