See you again pt 4

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Hello two things before we start. 1) the is a TNS reference from season 1 see if you can work out what it is. 2) some of the conversations in here are written by AMultiverseOfWriting but i will let you know when it gets to that point.

Kate's POV

It is now eleven thirty and the last few people have arrived. Heath and Lily. Now this party is in full swing.

Kenzie's POV

At the moment i am catching up with Davis about this new movie that just came out, it is called Good Girls Go Bad.

Davis: The main character, Rosie, is such an incredible dancer.

Kenzie: I know right she is really good. But her sister Ellie is so mean.

Davis: yeah, i mean who treats their sister like that. It is just so horrid.

As we are talking we hear Kingston and Lily arguing over some stupid little thing again.

Davis: hey i wonder what they are arguing about this time?

Kenzie: I have no clue, wanna listen?

Davis: yeah

Kingston: you cant just steal other people's hoodies Lily!

Lily: You are my BOYFRIEND i am basically obliged to steal at least one.

Kingston: not every boys' girlfriend has one of his hoodies though

Lily: yes they do. Piper had one of Finns before they even got together!

I can't believe that they are still together they are constantly fighting, then breaking up, then getting back together and the never ending cycle repeats.

(This next conversation is written by AMultiverseOfWriting so the style is a bit different. But anyway thanks for writing it. I really appreciate it.)

Noah was catching up with his old friends when he felt a familiar presence behind him.

"Hi Noah"

He turned around to see the face of his ex girlfriend


'Can i talk to you?"

Noah nods and walks over to one of the benches.

"I know that we haven't talked in over two years now, but i think this might be the only chance we have to address things." Said Amanda.


"I didn't want to break up with you so abruptly. I just didn't want to lead you on, knowing that I wasn't coming ack to the studio. It would just hurt. You don't have to forgive me, i just wanted you to know."

"I forgive you"

(This next conversation is also written by AMultiverseOfWriting hope you like it)

Noah returned his eyes back to his friends, shaking his eyes at their silliness.

"Some of them are a bit idiotic aren't they?" Said James walking up to Noah.

"Try being their dance captain. Then you'll really get to know them,"

"I think i already know Finn enough." Said James frowning.

"Sucks to be you." Said Noah, knowing how much of an idiot Finn was.

"Anyway, how's NYC,"

"It's amazing, though my roommate is a bit forgetful sometimes, how's the band?"

"I'm glad to hear it, and we have a gig coming up in a big city."

"That's awesome. You guys are really making a name for yourselves." Noah complimented.

"So are you."

"I have you to thank fo that."

"How?" James asked.

" i never would have had the confidence to audition for the company if you hadn't helped me all these years.before i was really shy, and scared to talk to people, but you came along and helped boosted me up. What I'm trying to say is thank you." Noah answered.

He could have sworn he saw James wipe his eyes, before James pulled him into a hug. Not a 'bro hug', an actual hug.

The two pulled away from each other after a minute.

" it was no problem Noah." James started. "And if you ever get stressed in New York, you know you can call me? Ok?"


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