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When Piper told James that she was dating Finn he said that he needed to meet him to see if he approved. So Piper invited him for dinner that weekend. They all enjoyed the dinner and after Finn had left James said to Piper that Finn was very sweet and he could tell he loved Piper very much

Richelle and Piper are really close friends but just don't show it but if one of them needs anything the other is always there for them.

After Riley graduated from business school James took her on a date. he set up a picnic at the beach. they spent hours talking and occasionally kissing. when they were slow dancing James let go of Riley and went down on one knee and proposed to Riley. Riley said yes and although they were still very young they got married six months later.

After Emily left in season 7 Nick struggled at first, but one time when he asked James and Riley to choreograph the nationals duet for Finn and Piper Riley was going to grab a few of Emily's things that she forgot when she noticed him struggling. Since she knew how stressful being studio head is she offered to help. When she got home that night she realised how much she missed TNS. so the next day she asked Nick if he needed permanent help at the studio and he said yes. so she went back to work at TNS.

To sort out the problem between who should go to Nationals Nick decided to have a competition the rules were simple, each troupe had 5 days to film a dance video using whatever resources they could and at the end of 5 day they would be posted on YouTube and which ever video had the most views would determine who would go to nationals. A-Troupe got the band to play one of their new songs and then they did a dance to it. A-Troupe won but B-Troupe thought it was unfair but Nick said that it was allowed.

After Jacquie left TNS she auditioned for a TV show. so did Noah but she didn't know this. They both got through the first few rounds and then when they sent everyone home at the end of the day they asked the two of them to stay back to do a read through together. so they did but they didn't notice who the other person was until the director said 'oh you two must know each other you were both at the next step' after the read through they both got the roles and ended up getting baked together.

Every Halloween Henry and Amy wear matching couples costumes. Apart from one year when they agreed to Dress as their favourite flower. Amy dressed as a daisy and Henry dressed as self-raising flour.

When ever Piper is anxious or stressed Finn starts to sing fruity moons and she calms down.

Riley is terrified of scary movies and will only watch them if James is there so she can cuddle with him.

James and Riley love to play video games together. Riley is really bad at them but James lets her win because it makes her happy and when Riley is happy James is happy.

Once every two months the old A-Troupe meet up at someones house or apartment. They would play truth or dare, eat snacks and watch movies.

Amy, Lily and Piper have a sleepover every Saturday after A-Troupe rehearsals. they switch whose turn it is to host every week.

Hello, just wanted to say I hope that you have a nice Christmas.
Izzy xx

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