Duet Panic

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A-troupe chose to go to nationals instead of dancemania.

Finn's POV

Right now all of A-troupe are on stage with LOD waiting to hear who won nationals.

Judge: the Next Step scored 98 and Life of Dance scored 93 but with their five point advantage scored 98 so its a tie.

A tie that means...

Emily; ok so a tie calls for duets which means Finn and Piper.

I gently grab Piper's hand as i can tell she is freaking out.

Emily: go find a room and practise i will send someone to get you later.

20 minutes later

Finn: Pipes, I'm going to get a drink do you want anything/

Piper: no thanks

Finn: ok

Amy's POV

Me and Richelle are going to find Finn and Piper to see how their duet is going. As we walk in i see Piper sat against the wall, crying and her breathing is panicked. I know all to well what is happening.

Amy: Richelle get Finn now *yells*

Richelle runs out to find Finn while i sit with Piper and try to calm her down.

Amy: Piper its ok... try breathing ok... in and out... in and out

Piper: A... Amy i...i cant b...breathe

She blacked out just as Finn came in. He grabbed Piper and try to wake her up.

Finn: Pipes... Pipes... Richelle get Emily now

Richelle runs out without saying a word.

Finn: Amy call James and tell him what happened.

I get out my phone and find James' contact and press on it. It rings a few times before someone picks up.

Riley: hey Amy wha...

Amy: Riley, get James its Piper she had a panic attack and blacked out. Meet us at the hospital.

Riley: ok we will be there soon.

Just as i hang up Richelle, Emily and Nick come in.

Emily: i called an ambulance and they will be here in five minutes. Amy can you call James and tell him to meet us at the hospital.

Amy: i already have

Rileys POV just after the phone call with Amy

Riley: James get in the car now!

I see James come down the stairs and he can tell something is wrong from my voice and my expression. He came over and hugged me.

James: Riles, calm down what's wrong

Riley: it's Piper we had a panic attack and blacked out

James: where are they?

You could hear the seriousness in his voice. He was so close to Piper even though he is quite a bit older.

Riley: they said to meet them at the hospital

We both got in the car. The car ride was silent. I could tell James was worried. We walked in and see Amy. She tells us what room Piper is in and me and James both head in. As we go in we see Piper and Finn snuggled up on the bed. It is adorable but of course James ruins the moment.

James: *cough cough*

They both jump apart and blush. Emily walks in and greets me and James, then turns to Piper.

Emily: i spoke with the doctor. He said that you can go but try not to get too stressed. Now Piper if you feel up to it you can do the duet but if not then Lily and Kingston have a duet n just in case.

I looked at Piper. She was contemplating it. Slowly she nodded her head.

Piper: I'll do it

Finn: you sure Pipes?

Piper: as long as I'm dancing with you I will be fine.

Emily: hate to break this moment but we kinda need to go.

We all race to the place where nationals are being held.

Time skip to after the duet. Piper's POV

I'm on stage with Finn waiting to see if we won. I really hope we did win. If we didn't it will be all my fault.

Judge: the winners of absolute dance nationals are... The Next Step!

I can't believe it we won. I am snapped out of my thoughts by Finn spinning me around. He stops spinning me and we share a long kiss.

Hi guys hope you like this one. Izzy xxxx

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